Friday, September 10, 2004


Crummy Church Signs was created as a lark.

It wasn’t supposed to receive submissions from 35 states and half a dozen countries (and that list increases by the week).

There were only supposed to be 3 frequent contributors, not a few dozen.

I expected a few dozen signs, not 800+.

It wasn’t supposed to turn into my main hobby.

If you think this website is waaaay too carried away over a relatively minor topic, you are absolutely correct. Please do not email me to point this out. I agree wholeheartedly!

Please know that I do not feel that I am any better than anyone who puts these signs on their churches. They, in fact, are probably better than I am at most things relating to being a good Christian. Christians are all simply sinners saved by grace. I have a bucketful of weaknesses. Their most apparent one is their crummy church sign.

I realize that many of my reviews come across as superior sounding and condescending. That is because I am what is known in the industry as a “smart-ass". It is my particular weakness. Were there a website called Crummy Smart-Asses, I would most certainly be a regular feature.

Those who see the glaring inconsistencies in my desire for churches and my personal approach to these reviews...thanks for paying that much attention. Just further proof of how forgiven I in fact am.

This article sums up nicely what I am trying to say.

Please take this website for what it is intended to be: fun. I hope that Christians and non-Christians alike can share a laugh. I hope non-Christians can see a different side of Christianity that they don’t see from the many crummy church signs (or worse yet, crummy Christians like I so often am) that they run across. I hope Christians can be encouraged to be different, to really be “salt and light”, as our Savior described.

Enjoy your stay!


Sometimes I might state something that is interesting, confusing, or disagreeable to you. Feel free to contact me or post a comment in the blog. I would be happy to respond.

I do not claim any authority on the topic of church signs (though I have been quoted in a Baltimore Sun article on the topic, I think that was an accident).



  • Bible verses. (Note: Please choose Bible verses that make sense on their own and do not require a theology degree and three chapters of context.)
  • Service times.
  • News of how the church is working in and with the community. As a special bonus, not taking the time to think up these slogans actually leaves time for a church to work in and with the community.
  • General church news (new pastors, exciting growth, new programs, new buildings, etc.)
  • Upcoming sermon titles, provided they aren't crummy titles :)

1 comment:

  1. Do you have a blog or a site that has good church signs?
    I would encourage you to develop good, theologically sound church signs that will draw people into the church more than they send people away. You may be able to change the way church's do signs. I know that I would appreciate a really great thought provoking saying to put on our sign every week. 52 weeks a year... and you run out of things to say... Also, I think that if you tried to develop a short catchy phrase that encompases all that God has to offer people - you may appreciate some of these signs more.
    I hope that you do develop a site. I know our sign needs help
