Monday, April 30, 2007

And then He rode it all over town.

submitted by new contributor Myk Robinson, TN
Who knew He was a hip-hop star?

submitted by new contributor Jamie Dunbar, LA
You think it's hot now, wait until Jesus starts bringing in the asses.

submitted by frequent contributor Chuck S.
...thus prompting the congregation to give away everything they have and give it to the poor.

No? Really??

submitted by frequent contributor Chuck S.
Especially since Chuck drove past on a Thursday.

"Don't worry about tomorrow, Jesus is already there."
submitted and reviewed by frequent contributor Adam W.
I was wondering where He has been today.

And now, to conclude this post, frequent contributor (and my sister) Emily Bezaire will review these signs using only two words each.

"When Satan is knocking at your door, just say, 'Jesus, could you get that for me?'"
Jeeves wept.

"The task ahead pales in comparison to the power behind us."
A Hemi?

"We are called to be a witness, not the judge and jury."
I object.

The task ahead pales in comparison to the power behind

Keep 'em coming.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

"Save some Hot Cross Buns for me.....I'll be back on Monday!!"

submitted by new contributor Jonny Cowbridge, Wales, UK
Obviously seen on Easter weekend...
Interesting time of year for a pastor (church?) to take a vacation....

"Gospel meeting April 22-24"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
So, what kind of meetings do you have the rest of the year?

"A spiritual gift is worthless unless it is opened"
submitted by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Oh, but please save the bow. We like to reuse them.

"Where will you spend eternity; smoking or non-smoking? Everyone welcome!"
submitted and asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
A new take on an oldie (but a crummy). Why are they so eager to welcome people to a smoking eternity?

"Sunday: How to have good self esteem"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Because I'm good enough; I'm smart enough; and doggone it, people like me.

"Enjoy God's green earth. Reduce, reuse, recycle, rejoice!"
YES!! I successfully separated my green and clear plastics! WOOOHOOOO!!!! is worthless unless it's opened.

Keep 'em coming.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Redey or not....

submitted by new contributor Lisa McSpadden
Well ever since I hit the tanning bed, I have more of an "orangey" tint, but thanks for asking.

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
Doing a double-take to re-read what this stupid sign said doesn't count.
submitted by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
It's also true that "What a moth calls the end, God calls a light", but I guess that's not quite as inspirational.
submitted by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
And if you're low on physical gas, we're serving beans at our next potluck dinner!

submitted by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
Don't let the fact that you're driving a snow plow discourage you.

submitted by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
Duane also sent in the other side of this sign, which said,
"Look around and be distressed. Look inside and..."
I just wanted to give you a version of what people only driving in one direction would see. Why do church signs assume people travel both directions on a road? Or are we supposed to learn how to read in our rear-view mirrors?
submitted AND reviwed by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
Hopefully love is clean and disease free.
submitted by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
40 days only. After that, we're back to aimlessly going through life.
submitted by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
Today's sermon by Paul Harvey.
submitted and asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
I'd be much more comfortable with His return if He didn't insist on wearing those blue tights.

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
...and this time, He'll be running for governor of California.

submitted by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
Funny enough, I'm 90% sure that this is NOT my first submission from a Tattoo Parlor. Anybody else remember that? Anyone want to search the archives for it? Yeah, me neither.
I guess tattoo artists were never known for their grammar skills. ("You're").
submitted by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
So we're not supposed to be searching for the Lord, but for the Angel of the Lord ("Lo, the Angel of the Lord....")
"Blessed is he who is not offended by Jesus."
submitted AND reviewed by Don A., CA
That's all He asks?
"Don't judge a church by its pillars."
submitted by new contributor Indie Davis, TN
I tried not to, but I just can't help it when they're painted like barbershop poles.
"Bow before God and His rainbow will surround you"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Emily Bezaire, TN
The benediction every Sunday at the Church of the Pipe Dream goes:
'Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woollen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with string
These are a few of my favourite things...'
Duane...step away from the camera. You're risking your job and family with all of these crummy church sign submissions. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
(Seriously..thanks. If you think these are a lot of submissions, you should have seen how many were in the email that I DIDN"T use!)
Blessed is he who is not offended by

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Still no takers.

submitted and asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Jennie S., IN
Jennie originally submitted this sign in January. It is still up in April.

How awful is this friend if they still haven't given him away after all this time?

submitted by frequent contributor Jennie S.
I think it starts with paying your dues, time after time...

submitted by frequent contributor Adam W.
Our Bible Drill team kicks serious ass!
"Spring is God's greeting card"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Adam W.
Does that make winter his pink slip?

"The birds are back, the grass is green, God did it again."
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Adam W.
Whew, it's a good thing too, I was worried about Satan's red grass showing up...and don't get me started on those bats...

"When God is glorified, Satan is horrified."
submitted by Elizabeth B., GA
As Diesel has pointed out in a previous comments section...if my sole purpose for glorifying God is pissing off Satan, I think my priorities need examining. Except he said it funnier.

"I don't know why some
People change churches:
What difference does it make
Which one you stay home from?"
submitted by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Imagine if you were becoming a church member on the Sunday that this sign was up....

"Building an alter"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA

"Your spiritual DNA-
Associated with God."
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Anticipate such crumminess.

"Jesus – No Roaming Charges. He can hear you now."
submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Randall H., FL
I eagerly anticipate every new cell phone marketing scheme. They always end up on church signs.

In fact, next time I see a new marketing tactic or a new slogan for a cell phone company, I will post it and start a pool on when I will have the first church sign with that slogan on it submitted to the blog.

"Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape."
Yeah...I can't believe Jesus missed that one!

"Friends are kisses blown to us by angels."
And Friends With Benefits are when the angels just bl.....

Never mind.
When is glorified, Satan is horrified.

Keep 'em coming.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Does He have Buns of Steel?

submitted by frequent contributor David Jacks, TX
Homophones our a b**ch, aren't they?

submitted by frequent contributor Wes Kenney, OK
Especially if He's wearing his "hot pants". After all, it seems He's been doing Pilates.

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney, OK
Why would we throw it out when so much of it is recycled anyhow?

"Easter should satisfy your soul, not just your sweet tooth"
submitted by frequent contributor Miss Kitty, GA
And in Georgia, there's a reason they don't feel the need to pluralize "tooth".

I kid my Georgia friends.

"24/7: The anytime-anywhere-God's-there show."
submitted by Amanda M., GA
Starring Keifer Sutherland as Jack Chick.

"Hosanna Hosanna,
bless is he that comes and celebrate Jesus!"
submitted by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Verb tenses and adjectives are almost as hard as homophones!

“The cross is the ladder to Heaven.”
submitted by frequent contributor Nickie A., AL. Reviewed by Jim F., AL
Does that make sin the chute to Hell?

“The hope of a new year comes in a change of the old you.”
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Nickie A., AL
Yeah, cause those underpants are REALLY starting to smell ripe.

"Who was
Who is
Who is to come"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Nickie A., AL
Who, who, WHO?! Tell me already! The suspense is killing me!

I'll tell you, Nickie...they're talking about

Keep 'em coming.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

What about a perfect one?

submitted by new contributor Daniel M., IN
Happy Easter, everyone. As much snarking as I do on this site, I hope everybody realizes that I really do believe this stuff and it has changed my life. The only reason I'm so often grumpy about these church signs is because it casts our risen Savior in a (silly) negative light. Have a great holiday. On with the tom-foolery:

submitted by new contributor Daniel M., IN
...and then you're done!

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor David Jacks, TX
Well, I hope He at least leaves a forwarding address.
"This Sunday:
Who's the fool?"
submitted by frequent contributor Jennifer B., OK
OK, they're just asking for it with this one.
"Delay is not denial, so keep praying"
submitted by frequent contributor Adam W.
But it might be denial. Why don't we just keep praying because we should enjoy talking to God?
"Sunday Brunch
Serve The Lord."
submitted AND asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Beau S.
So you know, He prefers an extra heapin' of grits. And do NOT burn His toast...
"Shake the devil off"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Is that what I stepped in?
"Fly the Rapture Airlines"
submitted by new contributor Dia C., MO
Believe it or not, you STILL only get a measly bag of peanuts.
"Since Jesus is the bread of life, who's holding your bologna?"
submitted by new contributors Jeremy T. and Mark R., AR
I don't know, but at least now I know who has the cheese...
"You must feel a prayer before God can hear it."
GOD: "Huh? Did somebody say something? Oh well...."
What a joke of a sign.
--------------------------------------- probably has some bologna to go with your bread of life.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Especially when you poke him with it.

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Suzi H., NC
And Next on Dr. Phil, we explore why the Devil has these issues and what he can do to work through them constructively.
submitted by frequent contributor Suzi H., NC
If this sign to you is but a convoluted mess, you're not alone.
submitted by Chuck S.
And if you fail, you're out of the club.
What horrid theology....
submitted by Chuck S.
...or a trail separation.
The financial cost is the most compelling reason to avoid divorce? Really?
submitted by Chuck S.
Just slow down to about 20 mph, and we'll toss a wafer and a juice box in your window for you.
"You may be getting old, but don't give up!"
submitted AND reviewed by Jennifer B.
..try Viagra instead!
"Get plugged in at <insert church name here>"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Going to church just makes me feel tingly all over.
"God reaches out in many ways. You read this sign didn't you?"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les Du Lunch, GA
Somehow, I always thought that if God reached out to me through a church sign, His message would be more than, “Made you look!”
"2007: Year of the Lord's release. Are you in position to receive?"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
(First sentence) I didn’t know that the Lord was in jail.
(Second sentence) No, I got confused on the play and ran a buttonhook, and He threw long.
“Blessed are attitudes - To be by”
submitted by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Yep...any attitude you can "be by" is blessed.
I guess that means this blog is really tends to show a little attitude from time to time.
"Blessed are the presecuted"
submitted by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Is that what happens when you a persecuted before you do anything to deserve it?

“There’s a party at the end of the world.
Do you have your ticket?
Details inside.”
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Will it be at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe?
Actually, Les, the party will be held at
In the previous post, I inadvertently gave Les DuLunch credit for the Scent of Grace sign...sorry to whomever submitted that one...feel free to take the credit you deserve. I deleted the email, so it's up to you now.