Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Does He have Buns of Steel?

submitted by frequent contributor David Jacks, TX
Homophones our a b**ch, aren't they?

submitted by frequent contributor Wes Kenney, OK
Especially if He's wearing his "hot pants". After all, it seems He's been doing Pilates.

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney, OK
Why would we throw it out when so much of it is recycled anyhow?

"Easter should satisfy your soul, not just your sweet tooth"
submitted by frequent contributor Miss Kitty, GA
And in Georgia, there's a reason they don't feel the need to pluralize "tooth".

I kid my Georgia friends.

"24/7: The anytime-anywhere-God's-there show."
submitted by Amanda M., GA
Starring Keifer Sutherland as Jack Chick.

"Hosanna Hosanna,
bless is he that comes and celebrate Jesus!"
submitted by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Verb tenses and adjectives are almost as hard as homophones!

“The cross is the ladder to Heaven.”
submitted by frequent contributor Nickie A., AL. Reviewed by Jim F., AL
Does that make sin the chute to Hell?

“The hope of a new year comes in a change of the old you.”
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Nickie A., AL
Yeah, cause those underpants are REALLY starting to smell ripe.

"Who was
Who is
Who is to come"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Nickie A., AL
Who, who, WHO?! Tell me already! The suspense is killing me!

I'll tell you, Nickie...they're talking about

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Downright scary.

    Guess who's church is in the market for a big, fancy new marquis sign? Yup. I can't hardly wait.

  2. CO PILATE?!?! That's got to be the worst misspelling ever.

    I saw a sign using the "24" logo about the "Last 24" hours of Jesus' life the day before Good Friday. I'd have taken a pic, but I didn't have my camera and I was on my way to the emergency room. Maybe next time.

    Love your commentary, as usual.

    Also, you're a finalist in my caption contest!

  3. It's OK, Joel. Your caption reminds me of an old joke...

    Q: How do we know the toothbrush was invented in Georgia?
    A: Because if it'd been invented anywhere else, it'd be called a TEETHbrush.

  4. "Why would we throw it out when so much of it is recycled anyhow?"

    This may be your top snarky comment of all time!!

    I love it!

  5. If God is your "Co Pilate," then are you both condemning Jesus to death? Actually, there's some interesting theology there. Dang!

    "Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Chick" Brilliant!

    Hosanna Hosanna, Bless is he who doesn't get distracted and finish the quotation wrong.

    The problem with the cross as a ladder to heaven is those cross-beam side-trips to Purgatory and Everest.

  6. Actually, the toothbrush was invented in West Virginia! I've lived in Georgia and now I live in West Virginia and I must say from my experience that WV claims more people with just one tooth. It's scary when your dental hygenist doesn't have all her teeth! :)

  7. JOEL!

    Did you miss me?

    “The cross is the ladder to Heaven.”
    Does that make sin the chute to Hell?

    Yes, and if you're not careful, you'll go "Ker-Plunk" right into the Lake of Fire!

  8. No no no no no, you got that last sign all wrong. It's all about the first baseman on Bud Abbott's baseball team.

  9. No more co-pilot signs... spelled right or wrong... just no more!
