Thursday, March 26, 2009

Praized and Confused...

"God loves weed, too"
submitted by Doug L.
...and we finally have an explanation for the platypus!


"We practice human sacrifice"
submitted by Leslie O.
We're still practicing because we're not very good yet...we keep only maiming instead of sacrificing.


"Comfort the disturbed. Disturb the comforted."
submitted by frequent contributors Ryan and Nancy D.
To finish the quote: Should I bury the dead and roast them afterwards, too?


"I had something different in mind"
submitted/asst. reviewed by Gene A.
Pastor: 'About our church sign; I had something different in mind...'
Deacon: 'OK, got it!'


"Remember you are dust"
submitted by frequent contributors Ryan and Nancy D.
No wonder I keep sneezing; I'm allergic to myself.


And finally, this gem of a pastor's name submitted by frequent contributor S.K. Sutton:


Quite a post today. When else would "We Practice Human Sacrifice" get pushed down to the #2 slot?!?


Humor Blogs

Alltop Humor



Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Harry Potter and the Church Signs of Crumminess

"God is the Potter. Not Harry."
submitted by Katie G.
Also, God plays a kick-ass game of Quidditch.


"God knit not knots but you. Psalm 139"
submitted by Mandy B.
The Psalms, as interpreted by Dr. Suess.


"Failing to forgive someone let's them live in your head rent free."
submitted by frequent contributor Micah L.
Well, as long as they take their extraneous apostrophes with them when they leave...


"Be Our Guest. Pastor Disney"
submitted by Norma K.
Put our service to the test. Tie a napkin 'round your neck, cherie...

(Not so crummy a sentiment, but surely they're asking for it, right?)


Finally, what is it with all the chocolate signs lately? First of all there was the single sign I included in last week's post, and now these:

"The spirit of chocolate"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Courtney R.
There's a sweet, sweet spirit in this place.


"Happiness is sharing chocolate with a friend."
submitted by frequent contributor Micah L.
But true joy is keeping it all for yourself.


So, leave it to me to have a completely selfish reason for finally posting again:

I need your votes over at Diesel's caption contest
. Please?!?


Also, I'm going to try and turn commenting back on. If any of you are still out there reading, please let me know.


Humor Blogs

Alltop Humor



Thursday, March 5, 2009

What's going on?

Hi all. Sorry for the lack of posting lately. I had the flu for a while, baseball season started for me (I coach), things got really busy at work....etc. I'll be back sometime, but wanted you to know I'm not dead.

Also, commenting is turned off because some d-bag spammed about 300 of my posts with comments. So comments gone until further notice. Sorry. Thanks, 'zhu'! Hope that was a rewarding few hours you spent.

Anyhow, here's some crumminess to tide you over until I'm back full time; it comes to us courtesy of frequent contributor Rev. Charles S.

"Buy Jesus Chocolate!"
Is Jesus the subject of this sentence, or an adjective modifying the subject?