Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Especially when you poke him with it.

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Suzi H., NC
And Next on Dr. Phil, we explore why the Devil has these issues and what he can do to work through them constructively.
submitted by frequent contributor Suzi H., NC
If this sign to you is but a convoluted mess, you're not alone.
submitted by Chuck S.
And if you fail, you're out of the club.
What horrid theology....
submitted by Chuck S.
...or a trail separation.
The financial cost is the most compelling reason to avoid divorce? Really?
submitted by Chuck S.
Just slow down to about 20 mph, and we'll toss a wafer and a juice box in your window for you.
"You may be getting old, but don't give up!"
submitted AND reviewed by Jennifer B.
..try Viagra instead!
"Get plugged in at <insert church name here>"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Going to church just makes me feel tingly all over.
"God reaches out in many ways. You read this sign didn't you?"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les Du Lunch, GA
Somehow, I always thought that if God reached out to me through a church sign, His message would be more than, “Made you look!”
"2007: Year of the Lord's release. Are you in position to receive?"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
(First sentence) I didn’t know that the Lord was in jail.
(Second sentence) No, I got confused on the play and ran a buttonhook, and He threw long.
“Blessed are attitudes - To be by”
submitted by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Yep...any attitude you can "be by" is blessed.
I guess that means this blog is really blessed...it tends to show a little attitude from time to time.
"Blessed are the presecuted"
submitted by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Is that what happens when you a persecuted before you do anything to deserve it?

“There’s a party at the end of the world.
Do you have your ticket?
Details inside.”
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Will it be at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe?
Actually, Les, the party will be held at humor-blogs.com
In the previous post, I inadvertently gave Les DuLunch credit for the Scent of Grace sign...sorry to whomever submitted that one...feel free to take the credit you deserve. I deleted the email, so it's up to you now.


  1. Les seems to have hit the jackpot with awful church signs. Dude, wherever you live, I feel really badly for you.

    Oh, wait...maybe you live here in Small Town, GA. We have all that crumminess and more.

  2. I did, after all, become a Christian primarily to piss off the devil.

  3. These are some great signs! I love it.

  4. Somehow, I think the devil's reaction to diesel is one of jealousy rather than pissed off-edness.

    The party starts right after the long, dark tea-time of the soul.

  5. Miss Kitty, I've been saving up for about three weeks, but the south side of Atlanta sure has it's share of crumminess.

    Spookyrach, I wondered who else might have watched the "gnab gib."

  6. Stupid Blogger! I don't look anything like my wife.

    Les DuLunch

  7. "Party at the end of the World??"

    It's even worse than we thought.

    IT'S FROM A JIMMY BUFFET SONG (for crying out loud)!


  8. Spookyrach - Ha! I'll take that as a compliment, I guess.

    Post some new stuff, Joel. You're slipping. Til then, come play in my caption contest!

  9. Somehow..it must be my supervising Felons background..."Being in a position to receive" has an entirely different meeting.
    "position" has no place on a church sign..

