Thursday, April 19, 2007

Still no takers.

submitted and asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Jennie S., IN
Jennie originally submitted this sign in January. It is still up in April.

How awful is this friend if they still haven't given him away after all this time?

submitted by frequent contributor Jennie S.
I think it starts with paying your dues, time after time...

submitted by frequent contributor Adam W.
Our Bible Drill team kicks serious ass!
"Spring is God's greeting card"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Adam W.
Does that make winter his pink slip?

"The birds are back, the grass is green, God did it again."
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Adam W.
Whew, it's a good thing too, I was worried about Satan's red grass showing up...and don't get me started on those bats...

"When God is glorified, Satan is horrified."
submitted by Elizabeth B., GA
As Diesel has pointed out in a previous comments section...if my sole purpose for glorifying God is pissing off Satan, I think my priorities need examining. Except he said it funnier.

"I don't know why some
People change churches:
What difference does it make
Which one you stay home from?"
submitted by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Imagine if you were becoming a church member on the Sunday that this sign was up....

"Building an alter"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA

"Your spiritual DNA-
Associated with God."
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Anticipate such crumminess.

"Jesus – No Roaming Charges. He can hear you now."
submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Randall H., FL
I eagerly anticipate every new cell phone marketing scheme. They always end up on church signs.

In fact, next time I see a new marketing tactic or a new slogan for a cell phone company, I will post it and start a pool on when I will have the first church sign with that slogan on it submitted to the blog.

"Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape."
Yeah...I can't believe Jesus missed that one!

"Friends are kisses blown to us by angels."
And Friends With Benefits are when the angels just bl.....

Never mind.
When is glorified, Satan is horrified.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Thank you for this huge dose of crumminess, Joel. I needed the laughs.

    I'll send more signs soon...end-of-semester insanity is upon us around here.

    The last one about the angels was best.

  2. Wow, that's a lot of crap. I think you should have someone take a picture of you under the "friend" sign with a sort of hopeful & desperate look on your face.

  3. bwhahahah

    friend with benefits....


    I've got some to send you this weekend. Now that we're over the whole "risen lord, amen!" signs, we're back to being confusing as hell.


  4. Does that last one come with a barf bag?
    And, as summer approaches, many apparently feel the need to resort to sports metaphors. Surely no one is taken in by the attempted deception that somehow attending here will make you a better athlete!

  5. I'm sure Jesus did his stretches every morning with his gang.
