Saturday, April 7, 2007

What about a perfect one?

submitted by new contributor Daniel M., IN
Happy Easter, everyone. As much snarking as I do on this site, I hope everybody realizes that I really do believe this stuff and it has changed my life. The only reason I'm so often grumpy about these church signs is because it casts our risen Savior in a (silly) negative light. Have a great holiday. On with the tom-foolery:

submitted by new contributor Daniel M., IN
...and then you're done!

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor David Jacks, TX
Well, I hope He at least leaves a forwarding address.
"This Sunday:
Who's the fool?"
submitted by frequent contributor Jennifer B., OK
OK, they're just asking for it with this one.
"Delay is not denial, so keep praying"
submitted by frequent contributor Adam W.
But it might be denial. Why don't we just keep praying because we should enjoy talking to God?
"Sunday Brunch
Serve The Lord."
submitted AND asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Beau S.
So you know, He prefers an extra heapin' of grits. And do NOT burn His toast...
"Shake the devil off"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
Is that what I stepped in?
"Fly the Rapture Airlines"
submitted by new contributor Dia C., MO
Believe it or not, you STILL only get a measly bag of peanuts.
"Since Jesus is the bread of life, who's holding your bologna?"
submitted by new contributors Jeremy T. and Mark R., AR
I don't know, but at least now I know who has the cheese...
"You must feel a prayer before God can hear it."
GOD: "Huh? Did somebody say something? Oh well...."
What a joke of a sign.
--------------------------------------- probably has some bologna to go with your bread of life.


  1. "Since Jesus is the bread of life, who's holding your bologna?"

    Is it just me, or does this sound kinds dirty? At least they didn't say salami!

  2. "You Cannot Keep A Good Man Down": wasn't that the lesson of the book of Jonah?

  3. KQ..That is EXACTLY what popped into MY measly brain....Is it RING Bologna??? It would have to be..not the Flat ones.

    OH MANNNN That is SO nasty!!

    Pass the mustard please.

  4. I'm trying to figure out what non-inuendo meaning they had in mind for bologna...
