Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Super Bowled-Over by Stupidity:

"Exodus 20:15 says it is a Cardinal sin to be a Steeler."
submitted by Alicia H.
Exodus 20:16 talks about how bad is to be 'a Lion', too.

Note: You guessed it, this sign is from AZ.


"God's weariness remedy is a full dose of Himself."
submitted by frequent contributor Peter K.
So serving God has the same medicinal benefits as caffeine?

(Virgins who are pregnant or could become pregnant should consult a doctor while taking 'Himself'...)


"The 'party' in hell has been cancelled due to fire."
submitted by Phoebe N.
Shoot...that was gonna be the best part!!


Long time readers might remember this sign, from frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney:

Well, now Wes sends us in a partner church to the above "Blue Baptist". It is, of course, named "Pink Baptist":

Nice to know we have His & Hers churches in Oklahoma.

(Note: They're named after the towns in which they are located)


"Sheep suffer without complaining."
submitted by frequent contributor Sandi Y.
What the hell are they doing to their poor sheep?


"Serve Jesus and everything else is background noise."
submitted by frequent contributor Sandi Y.
Huh? What??


Note to submitters: If the picture of the church sign you send in includes people mock-fornicating on the ground in front of it, I'm just gonna have to edit it out before I post it.

Thanks for understanding.


Not sure if it's just my computer, but I seem to be having some issues with PhotoCrank. Stay tuned...


Humor-blogs seems to be having some issues also, but you could go here to vote for this post. Please?!?!

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