Thursday, July 23, 2009

A time to Snark...

Almost five years after the launch of this blog, it's time to announce the official closing of Crummy Church Signs. I'll leave the archives posted here at the Blogspot address for all to enjoy (I haven't renewed, but I won't be updating with new signs any more.

Why? Well, there are a few reasons. First, submissions are few and far between these days; more importantly, fresh crumminess is practically extinct. There are over 1000 church signs on this website; at some point, we were bound to run out of "new" signs. We've come very close to reaching that point.

Secondly (and more importantly), I'm at a different point in my life now than I was five years ago. While I'm still extremely frustrated with contemporary Christian culture and its many foibles, I'm more interested in being a part of the solution than simply pointing out the problems. As such, I have a new musical project releasing this fall, a new independent record label that I've launched, and plans to continue writing again at some point in the future. If you've been a fan of CCS, I'd love your support in these new endeavors. Friend me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter HERE or HERE to get more information as things get closer to release.

I've really enjoyed entertaining, provoking, angering, engaging, and sharing with you over the past five years. I've made some lifelong friends as a result of this blog. Remember, all this pent-up snark and irreverance is due to the fact that I feel like people in the grip of Jesus should do better than trite humor and bad analogies. While many church signs are hopelessly false, the gospel itself is true and life-changing.

A huge thanks to all of my contributors, the unsung heroes of this blog.

Joel B.

PS: I'm still considering a second volume of my Crummy Church Signs book. Volume One is still for sale, and I am still donating profits that come in to Compassion. In a year or so I may compile 2007-2009 into a second volume.

PPS: For heaven's sake, please sign up on the interest list for Diesel's book if you haven't already.

Friday, July 3, 2009

But all of womankind is fair game...

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind. Leviticus 18:22"
submitted/post title by Dennis M.
Maybe this is Ellen's favorite Bible verse?


"Where the wild things are!"
submitted by Rev. Charles S.
Special music by Tone Loc.


"RUMMAGE SALE. Bag sale this Saturday 9-12. Bake sale Saturday"
submitted by Rev. Charles S.
In related news, tithing is down recently...


"When the King of Pop meets the King of Kings."
seen here on Flickr//directed by Ironic Catholic
Oooohhhh....maybe they'll have a dance-off!!


Finally, I need your help...I've hinted at it a bit, and those of you following me on Twitter know that I'm working on recording an album this summer. I'm recording all parts (guitar, bass, drums, keys, producing, engineering, mixing, etc.) except for the vocals. I'm planning a release date of September 29. Stay tuned to all the information by clicking the logo below and joining the Facebook group for the project, or follow the project on Twitter.

Look for details about the project to be released using the above channels and look for a new website for the project soon!


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