Thursday, July 23, 2009

A time to Snark...

Almost five years after the launch of this blog, it's time to announce the official closing of Crummy Church Signs. I'll leave the archives posted here at the Blogspot address for all to enjoy (I haven't renewed, but I won't be updating with new signs any more.

Why? Well, there are a few reasons. First, submissions are few and far between these days; more importantly, fresh crumminess is practically extinct. There are over 1000 church signs on this website; at some point, we were bound to run out of "new" signs. We've come very close to reaching that point.

Secondly (and more importantly), I'm at a different point in my life now than I was five years ago. While I'm still extremely frustrated with contemporary Christian culture and its many foibles, I'm more interested in being a part of the solution than simply pointing out the problems. As such, I have a new musical project releasing this fall, a new independent record label that I've launched, and plans to continue writing again at some point in the future. If you've been a fan of CCS, I'd love your support in these new endeavors. Friend me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter HERE or HERE to get more information as things get closer to release.

I've really enjoyed entertaining, provoking, angering, engaging, and sharing with you over the past five years. I've made some lifelong friends as a result of this blog. Remember, all this pent-up snark and irreverance is due to the fact that I feel like people in the grip of Jesus should do better than trite humor and bad analogies. While many church signs are hopelessly false, the gospel itself is true and life-changing.

A huge thanks to all of my contributors, the unsung heroes of this blog.

Joel B.

PS: I'm still considering a second volume of my Crummy Church Signs book. Volume One is still for sale, and I am still donating profits that come in to Compassion. In a year or so I may compile 2007-2009 into a second volume.

PPS: For heaven's sake, please sign up on the interest list for Diesel's book if you haven't already.


  1. Say it ain't so, Joe(l)!

    Well, I can certainly understand. And I think you've provided a valuable service here. I've pointed many people (many of them authors of actual crumminess featured here) to your commentary, and it has helped, in a humorous way, in getting folks to understand the importance of what they're telling the world with their signs.

    Thanks for your work here, and may God bless you in your future endeavors.

  2. Joel, I suspected it was coming. It was getting harder and harder to locate any "freshly bad" signs to submit, just "repetitive bad" ones.

    Thank you for all the laughs over the years. I especially appreciated how you were motivated by what was best for God's kingdom and how we as Christians should present ourselves to a lost world.

    You're already on my FB friends list, so I look forward to hearing about your future activities.

  3. I'm sad to see CCS go, but I'm really excited about your new music projects.

    I look forward to hearing much more from you, mister.


  4. So sad! Well, the signs will certainly be missed, but we all move on eventually. And I suppose if the point was "let's use our church signs for something worthwhile, not this religiousey greeting-card nonsense" than the point has been made as clearly as humanly possible. If I had a cell phone with a camera, trust me you would have received many more submissions from me! You've opened up a new world for me and my family: trying to figure out what the stuff on the signs we see means.

    Sadly, as often as not... it means nothing. But if there's one sign out there that used to have worthless babble on it but now it has something meaningful, this blog has meant something.

    Thanks for all the giggles!

  5. I have to echo everyone else's sentiments. I will definitely miss CCS but am looking forward to your future endeavors.

    Thank You for all your hard work and dedication in making this little corner of Texas giggle on a regular basis.


    PS: I friended you on FB as per your request. Good luck!

  6. I've enjoyed your work here and hope you find similar success in your new projects.

  7. It was a pleasure to be a reader and a contributor. I know that one church by my house is going to be sad to lose some exposure. Haha. All the best as you move on to other projects. And you're right, regardless of the failure of humans, Jesus still has everything we need.

  8. well i just wrote a lovely/heartfelt-yet-hilarious comment, but stupid blogger ate it up like so many chips in a bag of Lays.

    suffice to say i'm sorry you're "leaving", CrummyJoel (hahaha) but proud of you for wanting to move forward in ways that will be meaningful. i hope all your days are filled with peace and joy... my friend. that said, i really can't WAIT to see and/or hear what you've got planned for us, next! i know it will be as wonderful as you are, my friend. and i PROMISE i'll be cheering you along from the sidelines, every step of the way!

    besides... you mentioned a need for "financing", didn't you? with that in mind, i'm saving up my nickels in anticipation of your request for help!

    ~ snuppy (sort of) ; )

  9. The Ironic CatholicJuly 23, 2009 at 4:02 PM

    First I'm 7 months preggers, sick, and hormonal. Now this!?!!? (wah!)

    Could you at least please write a song about crummy church signs? To get us over the edge?

    I do understand, really, and wish you well. I'll just miss this. It's my favorite site. (sniff)

    Thanks for leaving it up and see you on FB.

  10. Joel,

    Thank you for your valuable, humorous service given here.

    May God bless you in the future He has prepared for you.

    Sola Gratia,

  11. I'm actually sadder than I am when most of my favorite blogs end. (I tend to pick blogs that have short lifespans :( )

    This blog was always humorous, but had its head on straight when it came to its reasons for being critical of churchania. Thanks for being a light out there and thanks for all your hard work. I appreciate you and look forward to all that is to come!

  12. This news just made a bad day worse....(do you feel guilty yet...? enough to make you not quit the blog? No? oh well, i did try!)

    Happy new adventures!

  13. Hey, just one more before we all go: This is a sign I spotted at a local church last Fall. Unfortunately at the time I was recuperating from major surgery and being driven around everywhere, so I never got a picture. I think it was a sermon title, but there was no context or anything. I still have no idea what it means, and it still cracks me up.

    The sign read simply: "ARE YOU ON THE ROOF?"

  14. You're blog has been a great help to me, Joel.

    Best wishes. God go with you.

  15. I’ve really enjoyed being one of your spontaneously chuckling readers. Your timing is pretty understandable, and I hope you enrich others’ lives even more with your new projects.

  16. Hi Joel-
    As the saying goes, long time reader, first time commenter. ;) It was a happy day when I stumbled over this blog two years ago- and an exhausting one. Do you really think that anyone could sleep before reading through ALL the archives of such snarkiness? Thanks so much for all the time, effort, thought, and humour you infused into every batch of ridiculous signs. There were many days when your blog was the only thing that had made me smile and laugh. So thanks, and may God richly bless the road ahead of you!


    Please stop in
    Please refer to someone incharged fitted whatever doctrine you are. This is an exceptionally distinguished essence fitted all mankind.


  18. Acckkk!!! I will definitely miss this blog.

    I gotta disagree - there's tons of church crumminess left to be found! I spotted and photographed one yesterday "Compromise is the colaspe of character" - I'll put it on my blog.

  19. I'm sorry to see the blog close. I've not been following long... so I will console myself with reading the previous posts. I hope that somewhere along the way... some of the churches who put up these signs... have found your blog... and realized... the signs probably scare more people away than they attract. You've kept us honest. That's really important... because the church needs to be held accountable for what it says and does.

  20. Now where will I go on Monday mornings to recover my sense of humor lost on Sunday?

    Thanks for the fun!

  21. Awwww..... bummer.

    But I have to say, you have given us many laughs and provided great conversations with our kids as we drive by church signs and together shudder at the unintentioned meanings we read.

    love your work - praying for continued success!!


  22. Well, I'm bummed to hear the news but I completely understand nonetheless! I wish you much luck in your future endeavors, Joel. You're one in a million!

  23. I'm gonna miss the crumminess. Even the nearby church that provides most of the bad signs I see has started repeating what you've posted. I think maybe they're using your marvelous blog as an inspiration instead of a warning.

    But this week they do have a new one:
    Success comes in cans;
    Failure comes in can'ts
    I can do all things through Christ!

    The crowning touch was that the first c in success was a cent sign. I recorded it for posterity.

    In any event, good luck with the music and what ever else comes next for you.

  24. This is a tragic loss in my world.! Just when I came here to post the one I saw in virginia, " Don't give up hope. Even Moses was a basket case." Good luck with all you do!

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