Monday, April 20, 2009

Do you mean "Jeebus Chirst"??

"If you must compare yourself with someone compare yourself with Chirst."
submitted by Tasia A.
Point of comparison #1: I exist. "Chirst" doesn't.

Also, I love that this exchange apparently took place at some point:
SIGN COMPANY: What font would you like your church name in?
PASTOR: Comic Sans, baby!!


"Your son: your mother. My God. My God."
submitted by Becky S.
I always do terribly on these analogy tests...


"God said, 'I am who I am!' Follow me."
submitted/asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney
Or Popeye? Maybe it was Popeye who said that...


"We don't read palms here: We wave them - on Palm Sunday, Hosanna to the King of Kings!"
submitted/asst. reviewed by Gene A.
We may not read palms on Palm Sunday, but you should see the sanctuary after Entrail Tuesdays...


"When you are in Him and He is in you great things happen"
submitted by Randy B.


"It is strange how skating on thin ice can get you in hot water."
submitted by Colin S.
I'm pretty sure this is how the Proverbs would have read if King Solomon had lived in Canada instead of Canaan.

"When all else fails, trust God."
submitted/asst. reviewed by Mark B.
...but not a second before!


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  1. The Ironic CatholicApril 20, 2009 at 7:12 PM

    As funny as all these are, I laughed longest at the second--because I have absolutely no frickin idea what they are going for there.

  2. Agreed. But I also love that you caught the Comic Sans font in the first sign -- that was funnier than the misspelling!

    More, Joel, more!!

  3. I'd love to do more, but submissions are down.

    And by "submissions" I certainly don't mean people sending me signs. I mean people sending me signs that I haven't done before.

    Let's face it...after 1000 signs, they well's got to start to dry up, right?

  4. Sign #2 has got to be an Easter sermon based on John 19:26-17 where Jesus sort of commits his mother to John's care, and then also Jesus' famous quoting of Psalm 22:1.

    Admittedly, not as fun as "What the heck were we thinking?" but still funny to put it that way. They must have been hoping for some curiosity attendees.

  5. Hey, what's that funny metal briefcase thingy? Perhaps I shall click on it and find out!
