Saturday, May 2, 2009

O For a Thousand Tougns to Sing...

"One day every knee will bow and every tougn confess that Jesus Christ is Lord"
submitted by frequent contributor Joe G.
And as long as we don't have to confess with a written statement, it appears that much of Christendom will be OK...

Note: Joe says it was misspelled on both sides.


"God wants to know ya'll better. If you have time. If not, He loves you anyway!"
submitted by Alissa G.
Aw, shucks...and when we die we all get to go to Mayberry, right?


"Always remember that hell is uncool"
submitted by neatofx
Really? I heard it was one of the hottest places to be...


"Free coffee, everlasting life - yes, membership has its priveleges"
submitted by frequent contributor Peter K.
'Come to me, all ye who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you -- caffeine?'


"Prayer: The ultimate wireless communication"
submitted/asst. reviewed by S.K. Sutton
Unfortunately, God takes up a full THREE spots in my friends and family plan...


I know I've done that last sign before, but something in the submission email sparked an idea that would make for a funnier review. So there ya go...


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  1. The Ironic CatholicMay 2, 2009 at 5:57 AM

    Sign #2: so much for omniscience, eh? Or spelling y'all right?

    Sign #1 would be even funnier is they misspelled it "tough". I envision West Side Story players turning to the Lord, leaving in charity and hope rather than harassing the officers with acrobatic dance, etc....

  2. At first when perusing my reader this morning, I thought, "Joel doesn't know how to spell." Then I realized the ploy to get me to read this, and it was worth it. Thanks for the laughs as usual, Joel.

  3. I'm surprised the coffee one wasn't on a Lutheran church. With all the Scandinavians, we're big on coffee. I'm pretty sure the Lutheran Bible includes "Where two or more are gathered in my name, serve coffee."

  4. Isn't a tougn an especially though thug?

    They probably have the most to confess.

  5. I totally submitted a picture of a sign in Key West that said the same thing several months ago! I'm glad to see where your priorities lie.

  6. Sign #2, they misspelled y'all. The apostrophe is in the wrong place. It's supposed to be after the "y," not the "a." (I may be Southern, but I try not to use this word at all--and it shames me when people who do use it can't even spell it right.)

  7. ha ha this is really funny..... shocking how they ignore such mistakes on a sign board like tat

  8. I've never been to this blog before. You made my day! My husband is a pastor and we frequently drive around noting crummy signs. These are hilarious as are your comments... thanks for making me smile- I needed a laugh today!

  9. The sign that hell is 'uncool' it me or does it look like they paused when putting up "". It's almost as if the person putting up the letters finally read through to the end of the note the pastor gave him. "u....n....what's next? Un-what?."

  10. I like the hell is uncool sign. a witty little bit of wordplay.
