Friday, March 17, 2006

"Listen, just listen!"


"Don't let your yesterday destroy your today."
this one and the last one submitted by David Finch, Washington, DC
Because yesterday, there was so many things I was never told? And now that I'm starting to learn, I feel I'm growing old? Because yesterday's got nothing for me?

"God forgives sincere confession."
submitted and asst. reviewed by Kelly Quinn
He prefers the insincere ones, but He is willing to make exceptions.

"Doing flows from our being."
submitted by Jennifer Bezaire, Smyrna, TN
Coincidentally, this is also the punch line to a really filthy Chinese joke.

"You are not too bad to come in. You are not too good to stay out."
submitted by Kathy Treadway
Isn't the whole premise of Christianity the fact that you are too bad to come in yet not too good to stay out? Remember...only through Christ, people.

"He who rows the boat doesn't have the time to rock it."
Yeah, take THAT, God!

In some cool news, another major metropolitan newspaper is writing an article on church signs and sought me out for some of my input. (I was quoted in the Baltimore Sun in early 2000, though this copy of the article left out everything I had to say). Stay tuned for when and where to find the article!

Keep the crumminess coming!

1 comment:

  1. that too good, too bad one is a little complicated for me.


    --RC of
