Monday, March 27, 2006

Can He hear you now?

submitted and reviewed by Rachel Petty
Add either eternal life or a flip phone for $29.99!

"March Madness is more than just about basketball. Come in on Sunday and learn more."
submitted and asst. reviewed by Jennie Sowers, New Castle, IN
Yes, let's endear ourselves to Hoosier country by slamming March Madness. Pun intended. While we're at it, let's go to Canada and pee in the Stanley Cup.
And what "madness" will occur on Sunday? Snake handling?

"All flesh is as grass.
I Pe 2:24"
submitted and asst. reviewed by Jennie Sowers, New Castle, IN
Can somebody buy this church a "t" so they can finish their "First Peter" reference? This is the second time.....
Also, some context for the Bible verse would be nice. Are we supposed to fertilize our flesh? Or trim it?

"Breathe in God's Spirit, exhale God's love."
submitted by Jennie Sowers, New Castle, IN
Yep, knock 'em out with secondhand love.

"He who sees the invisible can do the impossible."
submitted by Jennifer Bezaire, Smyrna, TN
The kid from The Sixth Sense can help me win a March Madness bracket challenge? I'll keep that in mind for next year.

"Enjoy today, compliments of God."
submitted by Jennifer Bezaire, Smyrna, TN
First one's free, kids. After that.....

"Don't let yesterday use up today"
submitted by Jennifer Bezaire, Smyrna, TN
Daylight Savings somehow rears its ugly head again.

And finally, I feel compelled to review a couple of the signs from the Washington Post article (see previous post).

"Jesus turned water into wine, but He can't turn whining into anything."
So would you quit coming to Him with all your problems, already?! Sheesh!

"What caterpillars call the end, God calls a butterfly."
So completely withdraw yourself from your life for a period of time, and God will work a miracle? Really?

Thanks to Rachel for the picture, and Jennie and Jennifer for the submissions. Rev. Hendrix also sent me a GREAT picture, but all of a sudden I can't upload pictures. I will get it up when I figure out what's wrong. It's a doozy.

Keep 'em coming.

1 comment:

  1. God has anytime minutes...ughh...

    well at least you know that didn't get it from a book published in 1994...

    hey props for some originality right??

    --RC of
