Friday, December 12, 2008

Shiver me timbers...

"To err is human. To arrrr is pirate."
submitted by frequent contributor Randy B.
This sign swabs the poop deck.

"Have you took time to pray today?"
submitted AND reviewed by Dennis M.
No, I ain't!


"Fire proof your marriage."
submitted by frequent contributor S.K. Sutton
My wife is going to love the asbestos coat I got her for Christmas!


"Come apart and rest awhile before you come apart."
submitted by Lindsey B.
Church: Helping you fall to pieces for over 2000 years!


And now, a series of signs submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Charles S. The signs were found in Southern Michigan. Imagine how poor the unemployment numbers in that state would truly be except for this apparent rash of pastoral hirings...


"God gave you 86400 seconds today. Have you used one to say 'thank you'"?
submitted by frequent contributor Katherine T.
Well, I got as far as "Thank y-", and then my second was up...


So, during a recent long stretch where I ran out of submissions and wasn't receiving any more useful pictures, I kinda got used to not posting. Now that I have a bunch of submissions again, I'm finding it hard to get back into the habit. I hope perhaps there are still some readers out there (my traffic, amazingly, has only slightly somebody's reading something.)

Anyhow, I'll try to get another couple of posts up in the next week or so. Or at least one post. Within the next month.


Funny Blogs

Alltop Humor




  1. Welcome back - I'm sure there is no shortage of material lurking out there just waiting to hit the church signs around the country.


  2. What's a pirate's favorite restaurant? ARRRRRby's

  3. I have CCS as one of my Firefox home pages, so I load it almost every day. Granted, only once on days you haven't updated, but still. XD

  4. -Why wouldn't the pirate let his kids see the movie?
    -It was rated ARRRRrrrrrrr...

    -Why was it rated "R"?
    -It had a lot of booty.

  5. I think this church knows about "Talk Like a Pirate Day". LOL.

  6. In defense of the Fire Proof one, that actually fits your criteria for signs - it promotes an event/special study. Fireproof Your Marriage is a marriage enrichment emphasis tied in to the Christian movie Fireproof.

  7. I can buy that, I suppose. But I'm a Christian in church every Sunday and have only vaguely heard of the many passers-by will know what it's talking about?

    However, you're right, it's not that crummy. But the joke amuses me, so it's staying :)

  8. No comment on the misspelling of "beginnings?" What gives?

  9. This is a strong batch!!!
    Your snarks are as zingy as ever, so the hiatus must be treating you well. :)

  10. I'm reading! I check out the site several times a week - daily, if I can. Keep the snark coming! Please!!!

  11. To arr is pirate is just plain hilarious!
