Tuesday, February 28, 2006

"Does your life sing song for Him?"

both signs in this post submitted by Jennifer Bezaire
They MUST have meant to put another word or two in there, because this just doesn't make any sense as is. I mean...it doesn't make any sense even with an extra word or two, but at least then it would be a coherent English sentence.

EDIT: This morning, the sign has been adjusted to read "Does your life song sing for Him?" Well...at least now it's grammatically correct.

"In trying times, never stop trying."
Trying is all it takes, I guess. Huh. That sure would have simplified the last 29+ years.

Lemme have 'em.

1 comment:

  1. Not that I'm condoning this admittedly ridiculous sign, but there is a pop Christian song out right now that repeats the phrase "let my lifesong sing to you"- I'm sure the sign-author thinks that s/he is being particularly clever by using "pop culture"....
