Thursday, February 23, 2006

"Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from......."

Heh heh heh......A BIG thanks to Rev. Arnold Hendrix for today's photo-tour of southern Alabama, and some help with some of the reviews..... :)
Maybe the above church is the opposite of those "KJV-only" churches. Maybe they are delivering people from that translation?

Um.......OK. They got a zoo back there? Or just informational "Zoo Crew" videos? Is the Lion of Judah specially trained to go after poverty and illness? Can the Lion of Sub-Sarahan Africa not handle that task?

Also, I'm glad these much needed ministries are finally out there....Deliverance from the Bible, help in Overcoming Faith.......

"Fuego" = Spanish for "Fire".

Kids + Fire = Not A Good Idea.

If you're going to fill my soul, why do I need the cup?

Also, if a church has to advertise that they have "Open Minds"...they probably don't.

Keep 'em coming. Thanks also for all the comments!


  1. I make it a policy never to go to a church that doesn't know when an ampersand is backwards or that doesn't know the difference between a "W" and and upside-down "M".

  2. Best comment ever, JATB.

    Also good to avoid:

    -Misspelled words.

    -Capricious and arbitrary different-colored letters.

    -Numbers taking the place of letters.

    -Letters taking the place of numbers.

  3. Alright now - the "cup" is a communion reference you knuckleheads - Methodism comes from the Anglican Church and communion is a big deal. And the red "u" is just working the reference. A bit silly, okay, but not "capricious and arbitrary different-colored letters."

    On the Methodist motto - my son and I approached a Methodist church where our Cub Scout pack met. We were both in Scout uniforms. It was a bit early, I hadn't recieved a key to the building. A woman was coming out, she looked us over, I explained why we were there, she pulled the door closed locking us out.

    As she pulled away leaving us standing in the parking lot - I saw the bumpersticker on her car: Open Hearts, Open Doors, Open Minds.

    You gotta luv it.
