Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Talk about taking church discipline a little too far....

"Live drive-thru crucifixion. March 31-April 1, 7-9 PM"
submitted and asst. reviewed by John Allen Bankson, Ruston, LA
All the convenience of a regular crucifixion, and you don't even have to leave your car!

"Are we there yet?"
submitted and asst. reviewed by David Finch, DC

Well if they don't know, then what hope do the rest of us have?

"Join us on our journey to eternity"
submitted by Jennifer Bezaire, Smyrna, TN
I have an idea...maybe they could make it sound a little less like they are going to hitch a ride on the next comet that passes through the system.

"The Bible. What if it is true!"
submitted by David Jacks, TX
Punctuation. What if we used it correctly!

submitted by David Jacks, TX
Pretty much the ultimate crummy church sign.


Hey kids, if you're going to send a picture with your sign submission, make sure that YOU TOOK THE PICTURE, that you didn't borrow it from some other website.

Please don't use other people's stuff without permission. It makes me look crummy too.


  1. Yikes...that sign w/ the drive through is horrible!

    --RC of

  2. Drive Through Crucifixion? I can just see someone driving through and asking a church member "Can I get a kids Happy Last Supper Meal to go with my supersized vinegar and wine?" I cannot believe a church would so trivialize the central event of all history to reduce it to a "drive through"! I would ask "What were you thinking?" but that might be presuming too much.
    Peeved in D.C.
