Thursday, April 20, 2006

Can you spot what's wrong with this picture?

submitted by Jennie Sowers, IN
Jennie says this sign had incorrect spelling on it for 3 weeks. That's dedication to a cause, right there.

"Easter is a joke on the devil. Ha!"
submitted by John Allen Bankson, Ruston LA
God must be one committed prankster, sending his Son to die for a punch line.

"A cheerful friend is like a sunny day"
submitted by Nickie Albert, Mobile AL ('sup, fellow Belhaven Blazer!!)
So...a cheerful friend can burn you?
A cheerful friend makes you sweat?

"God's will is our peace."
submitted by Nickie Albert, Mobile, AL
This could mean so many things (most of them wrong):
Peace as in "happiness": Uh, no.
Peace as in "peace of mind": Doubt it.
Peace as in "comfort": Not so much.
Peace as in "not going to war": I might buy that.
Peace as in "not at war with God any more": Sure.

"God deserves your attention"
submitted AND reviewed by David Finch, DC
I don't recall that verse in the Bible: "Be ye holy, as I am holy. And stand up straight and pay attention when I'm talking to you, son!" Does He want us to salute as well?

"Your destiny is determined by a choice, not chance."
Gee, thanks, Uncle Ben. Or was that Jor-El? Or did Professor X say that?
Where exactly does the Book of Stan Lee fall in the canon, again? Is it before or after Galatians?

Thanks to Nickie, first time submitter, friend of my sister, and fellow Belhaven grad. Glad you found the site.

Keep 'em coming, everyone.


  1. Okay, ther red letters hurt. Tone it down. I'm assuming it has to do with red-letter editions, words of the Lord, etc. But, man, don't be so literal!

  2. Hey, I spell well enough to be in charge of a church sign!

  3. I believe the sign "God's Will is our peace" is quoting Dante's "Divine Comedy", in which a woman says, "In His will is our peace."
    However, in Dante the woman who says this is a redeemed soul in Heaven.
    Something tells me the sign writer probably saw this in a book of quotations rather than in "La Divina Commedia".....
