Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Four whole years ago today, I imported my first batch of Crumminess from the Kudzoo Jesus website. Since then, I've posted and reviewed almost 1000 different signs, almost 500 different pictures, and had countless comments, controversies, and Cranks. I've gone from being the top-ranked humor-blog to barely being in the top 30 (due to my recent slackness in posting). Who knew at the time that there was such a demand for crumminess out there?!?

Thanks to the contributors, the commentators, the crankers, and you, the readers. I really enjoy doing this and am glad that some of you seem to enjoy reading it.

Spread the word around today, all you bloggers - not alot of one-trick-pony blogs are as old as this one, and it's reason to celebrate (a little bit, anyhow). Hopefully CCS will continue to get better with age...

Back with more crumminess tomorrow. Or maybe Friday. (You know how things have been...)

Click these, please:

Alltop Humor





  1. Congratulations!

    I'm up to April 2008 in the archives, but its a bit weird. That's when I started reading CSS, so they are all semi-familiar. I also have to make sure I don't use the same comment in the crank as I may have in the comments. Stealing one's own cynicism is bad form and it makes me cynical.

  2. Happy Bloggoversary!

  3. Happy Blogthday!
    you should make a cake. :)
    and kudos to paul for cranking everything that doesn't move!

  4. Congratulations! Personally, I am still surprised that anyone who has to slog through all of these pictures and emails of humor (or attempts therein) willingly, can still function in society.

    But the people who do come back, time after time, do appreciate it -- even though sometimes I'm sure they wish some signs just ... didn't... exist... in the first place. :)

  5. Congratulations on the blogiversary, Joel! You're much more faithful than I. I can only aspire to your level of snarkiness. Keep it up until your wrist is crippled with carpal tunnel and your fingers are gnarled in a perpetual home row.

    Congrats, mate!

  6. Congrats Joel.

    I'm always pleased to see CCS pop up in the Humor Blogs rss feed cause I know I'm going to have a reason to smile and probably some chuckles and giggles.


  7. Damn, and Rickey thought his 300 posts were worth bragging about. Happy birthday sir.
