Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I've found it does tend to give people "the slip":

"Although the tongue weighs very little, few people are able to hold it."
submitted by new contributor Gene A.
Otay. I ahhm hoe-ding iht. Now wha?


"Rules can not love you!"
submitted by frequent contributor Steve
But it's OK to just fool around with them a little bit...


"Patience is trusting God's timng"
submitted by frequent contributor Steve
Maybe it was the perfect time for them to run out of "I"s.



"Holiness or hell. You choose. Everyone welcome"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Courtney R.
I'm still welcome even if I choose hell?


"God's lease on life never expires"
submitted by frequent contributor Micah L.
Since when is God leasing? Is the economy really that bad?

Is He really only renting the cattle on a thousand hills?


"A parent's life is a child's guidebook"
submitted by frequent contributor Micah L.
Sean Preston and Jayden James are screwed.


"Have a heart that never hardens"
submitted by frequent contributor Micah L.
If you experience a hardened heart for longer than four hours, call a doctor right away...


"Have you heard the one about the dirt?"
"Have you heard the one about the goats"
submitted by frequent contributor Sandi Y.
Jesus' parables would have been so much better if they had started this way.

"A Pharisee and a tax collector walk into a bar..."


I've got a lot of really solid crumminess stored up. I hope to be back Friday with another post.

I hope you all are doing well...sorry about the spastic posting, but with my new responsibilities this year it looks like I'm just going to have to find time here and there to post. I'll try to make them longer, like this one, but you won't be seeing me every day like it was for a while there. Like you hadn't figured that out by now...


By the way, it's official: Every last picture in the entire archives has been Crank'd, thanks to our hilarious friend Paul_. So, if you're dying for new crumminess and thinking "But I've been reading this blog since it started...", go check out the archives, because there is some new and really funny stuff to be found.

Thanks for your efforts, Paul_. Good luck in your new job, because I can't imagine how you kept your old one...


Funny Blogs

Alltop Humor





  1. I still don't understand the whole Crank thing.

    A parent's life is a child's guidebook? Really? Okay, let's see...

    Step 8: Spend every last cent on booze.

    But how will I pay the rent?

    Step 9: Get evicted.


  2. See, Gregory your comment is hilarious...Cranks are just a way to get your comment on the main page in a graphical form.

    You could add one of the "Fill ins" with your step 8 and step 9 from your comment above...then the joke is right there on the sign for all to see.

    It's basically adding funny graffiti to the picture.

  3. I understand. But last time it tried to get me to graffiti one of your signs with Jon Lovitz. I'm pretty computer savvy, but maybe I was just too tired last time to figure it out.

  4. God doesn't lease, God is an absentee landlord!

    /Pacino in Devil's Advocate

  5. Thanks for your site. I found it through the link at Miss Kitty's site, and I happened to remember her great site after she paid a visit to my site. So... question for you...

    There is a pentecostal church here where I live, and it posts TWO of these type of signs every week (one on each side of a double-sided sign). On my commute I drive past this place a total of ten times weekly. Should I start taking pictures and sending them to you?

    I'm not a Christian, really. I'm more of an agnostic type. But I do enjoy some of the wordplay in the signs, and I appreciate them almost like I would a bad joke or a pun. Sometimes they infuriate me, sometimes they make me laugh, sometimes I just shake my head and wonder... heh... but each week I always look to see what's new, and for me, that makes it fun.

  6. For the record--I miss my CCS fix.

    But I appreciate that there may be bigger issues, like life and the global economy tanking and the apocalypse....

    Peace Joel!

  7. I love your site so much that I am giving you an award. Come pick it up at my blog.
