Friday, September 5, 2008

Holding Hands Just Gets You Purgatory

"I kissed a girl and I liked it then I went to hell."
multiple submissions*//as seen on the news
Just 'cause you kissed her didn't mean you had to marry her...

(Kidding, dear!)

Note: If you don't know what the heck this is talking about, this is a currently popular song. Warning: the video is a little bit racy. Or, a lot.

Regardless: What a terrible, terrible sign...


"The wise are able to change their mind."
submitted by frequent contributor MJ
When MJ asked his son what this sign means: "It means smart people can do stuff and stupid people can't."


"Rough water is no place to see if you packed your life preserver."
submitted by frequent contributor MJ
Dude! I thought you said to pack the Life Savers (TM)!!!!


"What about the word 'cross' don't you undestand?"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor MJ
What it's doing in this sentence, first of all...


"The Olympics are over but you can still go for the gold."
submitted by frequent contributor MJ
They fail to tell you that it's in the Special Olympics.


"When God calls us, does he get a busy signal?"
submitted AND reviewed by bro-in-law Joe Gilder
Nope, I just press 'ignore'.


submitted by new contributor Emily G.
Forget the message, how about this church name? Maybe my favorite ever.

Just down the street is the Freakin' Church of Christ and the Frakkin' Assembly of God.

Note: It's in Flippin, Arkansas. But still...


Sorry about the off-week. I'm the worst church-sign humor-blogger in the world. I deserve my plummet down the charts. But man have things been busy.

I hope tonight's extra-long, extra-crummy, and extra-snarky post made up for it a bit.


*first sign in this post submitted first by both Mark F. and and D. Brunker, sending them in from separate news sources. Everyone else who sent it in...thanks.


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Alltop Humor





  1. I just scared the crap out of my wife by involuntarily snorting at that first sign. That's flippin awesome.

    I've been crazy busy too. Trying to make some time to do the blog rounds.

  2. (Re: the wise)

    And great mind think alike. That, or there’s only one wise person according to this sign.

  3. Why won't Diesel let me vote???

    I wanna give you a smiley, but dammit, Diesel won't let me vote.

  4. The first sign has been made into a Bumper Sticker on FaceBook... Congratulations?

  5. That first sign is hillarious. I hadn't heard the song and out of context it's even better.

  6. "Undestand": "Un" is a prefix indicating that the opposite or reversal of the root is intended. "De" is a prefix that also indicates a reversal.

    So, what about the word cross do I not stand? I think I'm confused.

  7. Dr Warren Smiith?

    I'm not sure how I'd pronounce that

  8. It took me about three reads before I understood the third sign. I kept reading it, "Rough water is no place to see, if you packed your life preserver." And I'm thinking, "If I packed a life preserver, then why don't I want to see rough water?"

    It must be Monday.

  9. I used to sell websites to churches, and I got a few funny names.

    Scary Free Will Baptist

    Dinosaur Baptist

    Big Bone Baptist
