Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'll bet that He's pulling a 4.0, too:

"Jesus is taught here."
submitted/asst. reviewed by frequent contributor MJ
All of His classmates think He's a bit of a know-it-all...


"Horse sense comes from a stable mind"
submitted by frequent contributor MJ
And this sign comes from whatever's on the floor of that same stable...


"The good news is: God will always be No. 1"
submitted by frequent contributor MJ
The bad news: You're Number 2. And we all know what "Number 2" is....


"My my my"
submitted by frequent contributor MJ
Why, why why?


"Forcast rain but Christ reigns everyday."
submitted/asst. reviewed by frequent contributor MJ
Notice the bright, blue sky behind the sign that "forcasts" rain.


"He is close. "Jesus" is very close."
submitted by Jessica
Originally posted on Quotation-Marks
Or is He?!?!?!


So I'm sitting at home today popping pain relievers and with an ice-pack firmly affixed to my noggin. I took a baseball off the temple in practice yesterday, and am not good for too much but sitting and typing. Hopefully these snarks make sense and are not too influenced by the massive amount of pain relievers tearing through my veins.

I'll be fine, though. The ER was impressed by my overall hard-headedness. Regular readers won't be surprised...


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  1. get well soon! one for the team.
    had to laugh at the hardheadedness line. don't worry, your reviews are snarky as ever and not too random. have you tried internal application of ice cream? it's very effective.

  2. Ouch--feel better. The snarkiness side of your brain is doing fine, though.

  3. "He is close. "Jesus" is very close."

    Saviors in the rear view mirror may be closer than they appear!
