Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Definitely not Calvinists:

"God intervenes by invitation only"
submitted by frequent contributor Chandler C.

Let's ask Job what he thinks about this sign...


"Bus appreciation Sunday"
submitted by frequent contributor Scott G.
Thousands of disappointed Pittsburgh Steeler fans showed up only to discover that Jerome Bettis would NOT be making an appearance...

However this was STILL a better idea than their original "Taxi Appreciation Tuesday".

(I should correct a technicality: Scott didn't submit this to me specifically; I stole it from his status update on Facebook. I figure that's like submitting it...)


"A clean conscious makes a soft pillow"
submitted AND reviewed by new contributor Chelsea J.
Yeah, I have a hard time sleeping when I'm awake, too...


"God bless mother's through adopotion what greater love."
submitted AND reviewed by Lara L.
What, you mean I went through a home study, background checks, miles of paperwork and months and months of waiting, and all I had to do was take a potion?!?

Joel's note: Let's count what's wrong with this sign:
1) Improper apostrophe
1b) Upside down apostrophe (thanks, Minh!)
2) Misspelled "adoption"
3) No greater love than adoption? Jesus himself disagrees.


Found another cool thing on my Facebook feed...check out this video entitled "What if Starbucks Marketed Like a Church". My favorite is the bumper stickers, but the whole thing is definitely inspired:

Funny Blogs

Alltop Humor





  1. Wow. That video is so...a church I used to go to. Right down to the pastor's Hawaiian shirt and the free gift for filling out your "first-time visitor" card. Holy cow.

  2. Not only is that apostrophe improper; it’s upside-down.

  3. Joel,

    Glad you caught the sign on my Facebook. Look for more 'submissions' in the future! (Like one I saw tonight... "Our church welcomes you with open Psalms")...I'll send you the pic soon!

    SOLA GRATIA! (Definitely Calvinist!)

  4. The biggest thing wrong with the Adopotion sign, from an adoptive mom:

    4. Adopotion, er, adoption is not about how great adoptive parents are.

  5. Bus appreciation Sunday?

    Followed by Miracle Motocross Monday, one would hope?

  6. Hey, God MUST be smiling on me ... on the VERY day I post my blog on Church signs, I run across your blog. BRILLIANT!

    Not exactly a correction, but a ... say, grace note? ... Technically speaking, especially in the church sign world, punctuation doesn't really count. So, I think your citation of Open Door BC may be a little harsh. I mean, they don't actually say there is "no greater love." I'm thinking the question mark is implied. :)

    I am DEFINITELY your newest follower! Keep up the good work.

  7. LOL@improper apostrophe, I love this site!

  8. "By invitation only"? Where do you even get crap like that?

    I guess it's a good thing we had the foresight to ask God to send Jesus.

    And create the universe.

  9. It's brilliant and so is your blog.
