Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Actually, I haven't seen Him since Easter...

"Did you pack Jesus away after Christmas?"
submitted by new contributor Dan S.
What?!? I poked air-holes in the top of the box!


"Don't be snowed under by sin. Turn to Jesus."
submitted by frequent contributor Peter K.
While you're at it, spread some of your "salt of the earth" on the parking lot for the rest of the world, please...


"Do you know what hell is? Come hear our preacher."
submitted by Matt B.
He sounds like Gilbert Gottfried??

Note: I swear I've seen this one like this on the web before, but Matt says he took this picture in Alabama. If you find a similar picture online, let me know so I don't think I'm crazy...


"Christ has come."
submitted by Jonathan J.
You juuuuust missed him, by about 2000-odd years.

I'm more interested in how a church claims that they're the "Head of Tennessee". Especially since I can see the state capitol of Tennessee out of the window as I'm typing this, and I don't see this church anywhere near it...


"It's not gay to be homosexual. Call for help."
submitted by Matthew K.
What a queer way to appear welcoming...


Diesel won't like my use of exclamation points in the first sign's review.

Tough for him.


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  1. Actually, I am going to go all grammar Nazi on you and mention that "what" as you have used it is an exclamatory, interrogative pronoun and therefore can be used with those punctuation marks.

    i suppose the alternative a la Diesel would be: "What do you mean by asking me such a ridiculous question when I am obviously capable of stuffing anybody including Jesus into a box for storage?"
    OR "What on earth would putting Jesus of all people in a box accomplish and why do you expect it of me?"
    OR other odd and stilted phrases.

    just applying the principle, Diesel- take away the shovel....

  2. "Did you pack Jesus away after Christmas?"

    Maybe with the artificial tree,
    I'll check

  3. It is amazing how many strange signs we see!

  4. oh, i'm getting out the camera. i just saw a good one the other day on 7th Ave...and I can't remember what it said, but i remember slapping my forehead when I saw it.

    Fun blog - thanks!

  5. Sorry. Computer issues prevent cranking at the moment. Somebody help me out--if this hasn't been done already.

    Bring me the Head of Tennessee Baptist Church on a platter.

  6. Hey Joel,

    The sign that says, "Do you know what hell is? Come hear our preacher", is usually on the "actual mistakes found in church programs and bulletins". I've seen that one in my email box a million times! So that might be where you saw it!

