Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Gospel According to Yoda:

"Jesus 1st is He!"
submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney
Do...or do not give your heart to Him. There is no "try".


"Faith Changes Things"
submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Arnold Hendrix
Tires, Diapers...those sorts of things...


"Behold, I am making all things new"
submitted AND reviewed by f.c. S. K. Sutton
So I'm not gonna need one of those converter boxes for my television after all?


"Give God all the pieces of your broken heart"
submitted by frequent contributor S.K. Sutton
In fact, He could use a couple of spare aortas if you know anyone else who's giving them away...


"Need a reboot - remember God saves!"
submitted AND reviewed by f.c. Minh N.
Do you want to save this sign writer?


I think I've had that last sign submitted before, but Minh's review just killed me, so there it is again but this time with double the snark.

Don't forget to go vote for CCS friend and supporter Mattress Police in the WebLogs Awards Best Humor Blog category.


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  1. Oh my gosh I thought the actual church sign was "Do...or do not give your heart to Him. There is no "try" and I laughed so hard. That would have been HEAPS cooler!

  2. "I find your lack of faith disturbing!"

    [Wes started it!]

    Sola Gratia!

  3. I live opposite a church - when its signs get toward this level of shittiness, I'll take a pic and send it in.
