Friday, January 16, 2009

Thanks, Tonto.

"He who buries his talent makes grave mistake."
Sure, they say that now, but just try belching the alphabet during the church service...


"If God seems far away, who move?"
submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Wes K.
I'd say He did, considering He's supposed to be everywhere.


"Jesus is Lord. Heaven is a cool place."
submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Christopher E.
Can I interest you in a destination with a more "tropical" climate?


"God is like Coke. He's the real thing."
submitted by Benoit C.
Have a God and a smile!


"A good reputation is a future."
submitted by Emily S.
Just ask Mary Magdalene!


"The only normal people are the ones you don't know very well."
submitted by Emily S.
So I make everybody weird?? Thanks a lot...


"The path to God is through service"
submitted by Emily S.
So Jesus died on the cross so we would volunteer more?


Funny Blogs

Alltop Humor




  1. "The path to God is through service"
    submitted by Emily S.
    So Jesus died on the cross so we would volunteer more?

    LOVE it. Want to frame it. The opener for Vol. 2....

  2. >>>"God is like Coke. He's the real thing."

    So that whole crystal meth thing is illusion?

  3. One might be tempted to think a letter fell off of that "who move?" sign. Yeah, no. I watched him put it up there and close the plexiglass over it...

  4. i can't think of a more inane comparison than God and coke (of any sort)!!

  5. "God is like Coke. He's the real thing."

    He turneth my nose cartilage to mush
