Sunday, May 21, 2006

"When the age of leaders is over, men will say 'Look at what we have done'"

And when the Age of Elves is over, they shall board the ships bound for the Grey Havens? What is this sign talking about? Anybody?!?


submitted by Josh M. Wilmington, NC
This sign has sort of already been reviewed here. This is a little different, though, because it claims that THIS church might be the only one that's a gift from God. Well, good for Wilmington NC to have such a treasure within its borders.

Also, thanks to Josh, this means that North Carolina makes the Map of Crumminess!

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Ugh. That is BAD.

    I knew N.C. would get on the map at some point. It's probably almost as bad as Alabama in the way of crummy church signs.

  2. And just the other day, there was a church sign near my house in Georgia with this exact same saying on it. How original!
