Thursday, May 25, 2006

Crummy Birthdays: The Big 3-0.

Dangit, I'm old. There's just no getting around it anymore.

Here's to 30 more years of being a smart-aleck, wise-acre, or some other not as nice euphamism. Thanks to everyone for helping make the blog a fun, successful, and somewhat therapeutic little venture for me. Keep on reading, and keep on sending them in.

By the way, I have received some submissions lately to signs that I have already reviewed in the archives. Please don't get frustrated if I don't review your sign, it just means I have already done it. Keep sending them in. One of these days I will figure out this whole "interweb" thing and make a website that has them categorized by subject or something. Then it will be easier to find ones I have already done.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to you, Joel! Wooo-hooooo!

    I'll be 33 in November and must say that my 30s so far have been unbelievably better than my 20s ever were. So try not to let the "feeling old" bug you too much. Sure, we're old to 18-year-olds...and they're old to 10-year-olds. I always tell my students, "You'll be 30 in the blink of an eye. Some of my very first students from the fall of '97, are creeping up on 30 now, and they've e-mailed to tell me I was right. :-P

    Here's to many more years of smart-alecky humor and critiquing of bad church signs!
