Wednesday, May 10, 2006

"When your life needs rebooting, remember Jesus SAVES."

submitted by Elizabeth Stewart, Decatur, GA. Sign seen in Kelowna, BC
Yeah, and don't let Satan show you the BSOD.

"The eternal burn ban is not in effect either."
submitted by Hannah Barton, Tulsa, OK
Regional crumminess! Apparently in Oklahoma, they put "burn bans" in effect when the weather is dry, so as not to set the whole state on fire. I guess with some recent wet weather, they have lifted the "burn ban".
Somehow I have a little more respect for God than to equate him with Fire Marshall Bill. And I am still, after all these years, fairly certain that the way to lure new churchgoers has nothing to do with threatening them with a fiery eternity if they don't attend. We wouldn't put that on a church brochure or website, so let's leave it off our signs (which are seen by more people, by the way).

Keep 'em coming.

1 comment:

  1. Satan's BSOD! Now *that* is priceless! :-P Thanks for the laugh, Joel.

    What I don't get is these really crummy church signs that your readers find in [gulp] CANADA. Whaaaaa...? I guess the Deep South doesn't have a monopoly on bad Christian theology through signage after all.
