Monday, March 19, 2007

Gensis, Exdus, Levitcus, Numbrs....

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
Gensis 1:2 -- God creatd teh spel chekr

submitted by frequent contributor Duane B., VA

...and shattering our ankles in the process.

submitted by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
Good thing He specified...I was about to fill it with Peanut M&M's.
submitted and asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
Yep. I need to change the battery, and it's set on the wrong time, though.

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
Hands-on Demonstrations Available Inside!
submitted by frequent contributor Wes Kenney, OK
Just ask Jesus!
submitted by frequent contributor Wes Kenney, OK
So just be lazy instead. Saves you the worry.
Are the churches in this town color coded or something?

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Arnold Hendrix, AL
Seriously! We just made this new message up on the spot!

Rev. Hendrix points out that this sign went up recently, and it replaced a CHRISTMAS sign. Apparently, the community was getting fed up with the extremely dated message. So they replaced it with a crappy one. Good call.
submitted AND reviewed by Monstertruckman
I was waiting for him at the church down the block. Boy, are they going to be jealous.
submitted by Monstertruckman
YES! Individual, unmatched, used socks! Party time!

submitted by frequent contributor Adam W.
Umm...couldn't a lot of snails live underwater? Or ride around on some flotsam? Like, there weren't any fish on the ark, right? Why snails?

"Yes! A liberal church!"
submitted by Lauren J., NC
Take a look at the church sign in this post about people doubting what you say....I think that church and the one that put this sign up would get along just swimmingly, don't you?!?
Posts may be infrequent this week. Three reasons:
1. I'm on spring break
2. Our house goes up for sale tomorrow
3. I am having serious respiratory issues...asthma? COPD? Allergies? Pneumonia? Who knows!?! Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion!
By sheer blind luck, reached the ark.


  1. So in the beginning, when God created Gensis, was it Phl Colns Gensis or Pter Gabrl Gensis?

  2. A. You beat me to a phil collins joke.
    B. Perseverance of the Snails.. uh, I mean Saints
    C. God is here where are you? Apparently, I just got back from Kmart. Super Kmart.

    Joel, good luck with your respiratory issues, bro. May the Holy Spirit give you peace and healing.

  3. "Fill my house up with love!" I must have missed that verse. Is that in the Gospel according to TenderHeart Bear?

    You can always tell the Blue Baptists by the tear on their cheek.

  4. Thanks Niles.

    And I saw your Phil Collins joke, before you deleted it. Jimmy just barely beat you to it :)

  5. The Phil Collins joke is killing me!

    The sign awfulness is wonderful. Hope you're feeling better soon, Joel. Sounds like there's A LOT going on in the House of Bezaire.
