Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Crummiest Sign Ever?!?

submitted by new contributor Julie Jacobs, sign from AL.
Twice in four hours?! I'll have what he's having.

"How rare it is to find a person quiet enough to hear God speak"
submitted by frequent contributor Kelly Quinn, TX
You'd think God would have a bigger voice than I do.

Yeah, yeah "Still small voice..." and all that jazz. My point is if God wants to be heard, He is.

"Sunday is the Lord's Day. AM & PM"
submitted by frequent contributor Kelly Quinn, TX
PM too?!? Does that mean I have to push my child sacrifices to Mondays?


I know I said I wasn't posting a lot this week, but I had to get that first one out once it was sent to me. One of the greatest crummy church signs ever. Way to start off strong, Julie.

Thanks for all your kind thoughts and prayers sent my way. It's officially asthma...fairly serious case, but should be treatable. I'm on two different steriods right now, meaning by this time next year I will either be extremely ripped of a big blob of lard and grease. I know which one I'm rooting for, and I know which one is more likely. Ah well.

Humor-blogs.com ....climaxing daily.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Baaaahahaahaaa! Wow! I think I may have finaly seen a church sign that makes me want to go to the church! What's the sacrament at communion, oysters? Just don't eat the worm in the communion wine...

  2. Wow, that's fantastically bad. Is that one of those churches where they have an asterisk in the bulletin when you're supposed to, ahem, stand up?

    Hope you feel better, Joel. Take a picture if you turn into the Hulk.

  3. "New Dimensions" indeed! At least he takes Saturday off.

    Yeah, regarding the "still, small" voice of God, consider the voice from Mt Sinai that all the Israelites heard and begged for it to stop; consider the three times in the life of Jesus where the voice from heaven spoke loud enough for the crowds to hear.
    By the same token, we often don't hear God because we let other stuff in life be too "loud." Though I can't help wondering if this is one of those Sundays where the minister will get up and say, "None of the rest of you are quiet enough to hear God's voice, but *I* did, and here's His new revelation..."

    Sunday is the Lord's Day... the rest of the week belongs to Americal Idol.

  4. Diesel..
    I don't need to take a picture, I'll just have you draw me.

  5. This totally made my crappy day better. If the first one isn't the crummiest church sign ever, it's certainly in the Hall of Shame.

  6. My co-worker who just came in to see why I was laughing, crying and pounding my desk, claims that first sign is obviously the work of the quiet, mousy little church secretary who's finally been pushed too far.

  7. STTOOOOPPP...I think I'm gonna pee my pants. Err....now you know I'm no longer a fundy...A woman wearing pants not dresses...

  8. Excuse me while I pick up my jaw off the floor...

    I don't know whether to laugh -- or cry -- or just be jealous that I didn't catch that sign. :)

  9. Climaxing daily...with or without a partner...unless you call "ol rosie" here my partner! Sometimes I do it with the other hand just to feel naughty.

  10. The Ironic CatholicMarch 23, 2007 at 9:19 AM

    "Climaxing" on a church sign: The winner and champion, hands down.

    Very sorry to hear about the asthma. Peace.

  11. I'll stick to old diminsions thank you very much. I haven't been this dumbfounded since the last State of the Union.

