Friday, March 9, 2007

"Knowing Jesus. So easy a caveman could do it."

submitted by frequent contributor Allen.
Tell me, just how easy was it for those cavemen who were around BEFORE Jesus?

"Every heartbeat brings you closer to God."
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Allen.
I'm just glad that I can get closer to God without doing anything but maintaining my pulse.

"Worry pays, but it keeps you in debt."
submitted AND reviewed by Rev. Randall H., FL
...but the balance transfer fee is killer.

"Only pray on days that end in "y""
submitted by Rev. Randall H., FL
So "tomorrow" is pretty much out.


submitted by Rev. Joe H., WV

Sometimes, some funny things happen at CCS. The first funny thing to happen was that no less than 10 people sent me the old standard "Stop, Drop, and Roll Doesn't Work in Hell." just this week. I've already reviewed it (somewhere), but thanks to all who submitted it. I just wonder what the heck happened around the country to compel all these churches to start using that particular sign.

The second funny thing is that the hit counter in the right hand sidebar is about to hit 50,000. And I only put it on a year or so ago. I don't know what you people like so much about this site, but thanks for visiting and I hope you keep on enjoying it. Thanks for being part of the fun.

Keep 'em coming. pays, but it keeps you in debt.



  2. Joel, what's up with "Submitted by frequent nuisance and menace Allen"?

    Worry pays?

  3. Thanks for all the snarkiness, Joel. You and CCS add laughter to my day. Except when I'm pounding my head against my desk at all the horrible spelling & grammar on the signs. :-P

  4. I am SO happy to have found your site. Whenever I feel bad..which has been a lot lately..I say..well HEY..lets go visit CCS..maybe something Snarky or such is there, and it ALWAYS makes me feel better. I even go back to pages I've visited many time to RE-read. ...and again..always laugh.
    I come away feeling .."Just a LITTLE bit better than everyone else"...yes..and it makes me better for it.
    Donna.....and the most recent one around here is:
    "Best Math:
    1 cross+ 3 nails= 4 given "..
    What??? they only used 3 nails??
    I know...I'm being snarky.

    Word Verification:
    bnavy: WAIT...I wanted ARMY!!!
