Saturday, September 9, 2006

"It is less stressful to serve the Lord."

These people beg to differ.

"We Can."
submitted by Cindy Tucker, sign from Fairfield, OH (Cindy's Blog)
God might be able to.

"You had to be there Sunday."
submitted by Cindy Tucker, sign from Fairfield, OH
Or I had to be at my own church, thank you very much.

"Windows are for looking through. So are your problems."
submitted by Megan Wetekamp, South Bend, IN
I throw rocks through my problems.

"Does your face have worry wrinkles? You need a faith-lift!"
While you're at it, have an Eternal Life-o-suction!


submitted by frequent contributor Miss Kitty, GA
Whatcha wanna bet that someone performed "Daddy Sang Bass" for the offertory?

Keep 'em coming.


  1. I read the first one and thought - geeze, I have been screwed so far.

    Miss Kitty - how 'bout going to church there a couple of times to find out what that Awana group thing is? C'mon! You knooow you want to!

  2. AWANA is a kids program, generally found in Baptist churches.

    Here is a link.

  3. You're kidding! Baptists? Here I are one and I didn't have a clue. Hmm...
