Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Why I autumn....

submitted by frequent contributor Jill Van Horne
...and you'll get sent to the Rake of Fire.

submitted by frequent contributor Jill Van Horne
He's just fuzzy.

“None live so pleasantly as those who walk by faith.”
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Allen's Brain
Um, yeah… That’s what Hebrews 11 is all about: the pleasant lives of those who live by faith.

"Be a firefighter. Put out slander."
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Allen's Brain
"Put out" as in "distribute; emit; produce"?

Have you bought my book yet? The special prices last until next Tuesday (Nov. 6). Only $10.99 with free shipping!

I will be placing my order for books this week based on the number of sales I have so far (plus estimating a few extras for those of you waiting until the last minute) should take about a week to get them in, then I will sign them and send them out. If you have ordered yours, you should expect it by mid-November, in plenty of time for the holiday season.

Thanks for all the orders so far!! Once the special pricing is over next week, I'll give everyone an update on sales and how much loot we all raised for Compassion.


Your fall begins when you leaf

Keep 'em coming.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Return of the Crummy Letters.

While my guest posts at the Snark have continued unabated, it's been quite a while since the traditional "Crummy Letter". Well, they're back, baby!! Be sure to check out today's.

More crumminess tomorrow!

Keep 'em coming.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Well, you're off to a great start.

submitted by frequent contributor Jerry Webber
...than to have people love God because they actually were saved.

Oh, and welcome to our church.

submitted by new contributor Louie G.
If the Spirit's the ready one, why is He leaving the choice up to me?!?

"For every sin, Satan has an excuse"
submitted AND reviewed by new contributor Caroline Morrow be sure to ask him for suggestions.

8 more days are left in the pre-ordering period for my book. Have you bought your copy yet? Only $10.99 with free shipping!!


I've got more crumminess to fill the week, so stay tuned!
is ready, but the flesh is weak...

Keep 'em coming.

Friday, October 26, 2007

...and "The Most Confusing Sign Ever" Award Goes To:

submitted by Richard Steffy, PA
...and Lions Club members leave their shoes off. And everyone knows that the Shriners don't go to church.

Does anybody have any idea what they were trying to say with this sign? Seriously, leave a comment because neither Richard nor I have a clue.

"Eternal life insurance: You are the soul beneficiary."
submitted by frequent contributor Kelly Quinn
Jesus' premium was a b**ch, though.

Like signs and review like these? Then you'll love my new book. There's still a week and a half left on the pre-order special of only $10.99 per book with free shipping. Take advantage now, and do your Christmas shopping early!

By the way, I was kidding about the Shriners earlier. It's the Freemasons that don't go to church.

edit: (...still joking...)

Optimists put their shoes on when says "finally".

Keep 'em coming.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

So is a whip.

submitted by frequent contributor Micah Larsen
...especially sin.

submitted by frequent contributor Micah Larsen
"But Daddy, I don't want to die!!"

Also...what does that make an unhappy family?

submitted by frequent contributor Micah Larsen
Was somebody really disagreeing with this statement beforehand?

“What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger”
submitted and asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Jamie
...or it leaves you in a coma.

"Fortunes told God."
submitted by new contributor Jamilah Lemieux
"Doesn't look too good for you, my child."

(Too bad it wasn't Moses instead...he could use his "Pharoah Cards" *rim shot*)

Micah tells me that Messiah Lutheran church (from the above pictures, plus many entries in the archives) can look forward to receiving a signed copy of my book this holiday season (in which they also take a starring role). That Micah...always in the giving spirit!

Speaking of my book...are you in the giving spirit? Remember that all proceeds are donated to Compassion, and the preorder period ends Nov. 6. Buy it right now for only $10.99 with free shipping, and buy one for your friends, too! Remember, if you don't "do" PayPal, email me and we'll work something out.


Even a small shines in the darkness.

Keep 'em coming.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Pratice Makes Prefect.

submitted and asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Rev. Arnold Hendrix
You might want to "pratice" your spelling while you're at it.

Sign says "Morning praise will make your days."
submitted by new contributor UberSchatz
Normally when a picture is messed up, I either try and fix it to make it look right or I just don't use it. However, I had to include this one because of UberSchatz's explanation for the quality of the sign. Also, I had to use it because it was from somebody named "UberSchatz":

"Sign found in Harrisburg, Arkansas. This picture had to be taken under the cloak of darkness since Harrisburg is the Meth-Addled, Jesus-Freak, Homo-Hillbilly Capital of the entire ****ing world and doing so in broad daylight would've earned me tarring and a feathering. "

Tell us how you really feel, bro. Don't hold it in.

(And for the record, my review would have been "...and evening praise means you probably missed your favorite TV shows.")

"Though the teeth may be false, let the tongue be found true."
submitted by new contributor UberSchatz
Those old people and their dentures. So prone to lying and falsehoods!

Frequent contributor Nickie Albert tossed this article my way as well...and it contains a pretty crummy sign, in our opinion. You have to read the whole thing for the crumminess of the sign to take full hold of you. The sign in question reads, "Their hands are in His hands." Read the article and see for yourself what it means....

Once again, just because something is true doesn't mean it belongs on a sign.


Book sales are going swell! If you haven't ordered yours yet, what are you waiting for?!? Make sure you take full advantage of the introductory offer of $10.99 with free shipping (good on orders through Nov. 6). Remember that all author's and distributor's proceeds are donated to Compassion.

Order now!

(remember if you don't do PayPal, email me and we'll work something out!)

Thanks so much to everyone who participated in the book release yesterday with emails, MySpace bulletins, blog posts, and the like. The response has been nice, and I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes over the next couple of weeks. Don't let it lose momentum! Keep talking it up at every chance you get!!


Though the teeth be false, may be found true.

Keep 'em coming.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Crummy Church Signs Release Party!!

WOOHOO! I wrote a book!

Click the picture to purchase your copy today!

(Well...I and the dozens upon dozens of folks who regularly contribute around here wrote a book!)

Releasing today is the second book from, my very own Crummy Church Signs Volume 1 (2004 - 2007).

Consider this a "Best of..." (or "Worst Of...", as the case may be) of the last 3 years and 700+ signs here at CCS. All properly categorized and snarked upon for your pleasure, there are also some hidden surprises (such as new reviews of some classic signs, a "Best of the Guests", featuring the top contributor-submitted reviews, the return of the Map of Crumminess and more!) This 178-page paperback coffee-table book is sure to be a conversation starter to anyone not familiar with the website.

If you're reading this post, you're likely familiar with the body of work and already know if you're interested in the book or not. If this is your first visit, take a dive into the archives on the sidebar to the right, and have some fun.

Here's a cool thing: For a limited time the book is only $10.99 with FREE shipping, and I will autograph it for you! This offer is only available until Nov. 6 at the store**. After that, the price will go up to the regular price of $12.99 PLUS shipping (and no signature... :( ). Make sure you order your copies in the next couple of weeks to take advantage of the huge savings.

Here's the best part: With all the psychological damage that these crummy signs have inflicted upon the world, it's time for them to start doing some good. That is why I am donating 100% of my proceeds from the sale of this book to Compassion, a Christian advocacy group for underprivileged kids in third world countries. My wife and I sponsor a Compassion child currently, and I will use the money generated from the sale of this book to further Compassion's work overseas. So not only will you bust a gut laughing at the crumminess and the scathing wit, you know that a large percentage of your money went to a good cause. (FYI: has graciously offered to donate its share of the sales to Compassion as well. The only entity taking a "cut" of the sale is the printer).

So, take care of all of your Christmas shopping today! Order everyone on your list a book, and you can let them know that the purchase also helped out kids in need. Everybody wins!

For my longtime readers at CCS, one other request: My book's page on is desperately seeking positive reviews. Please note that you DO NOT want to purchase the book from's $12.99 PLUS shipping from them. To get the special deal, order from the humor-blogs store. But I would love to have a high review on Lulu so I could maybe get some sales from there too, from people who don't know the wonders of So please go write a positive review over there! You need a username and password and the like, but it only takes a few seconds....please?!?

A HUGE thanks to Diesel, our guru over at Humor-Blogs for encouraging me to write the thing and setting up the whole order system at humor-blogs and putting up with my constant pestering and advice-seeking. Also for proofreading it. He's a decent guy, that Diesel.

Thanks for being a part of the release party by attending! Pick up an hors d'oeuvre on your way out, and be sure to visit some of these other fine locations hosting their own release party:

Diesel at Mattress Police
Central Snark
Micah at Mad Sanity
Rev. Kenney at Reason For The Hope
Ironic Catholic
It's Trivial
Miss Kitty at Educated and Poor
Lar at The Big Salad
Emily's MySpace
Ryan and Nancy

If you would like to host a release party on your blog today, post your URL in the comments section and I'll add you to the above list!

**The store requires Paypal. If you are really against PayPal as a form of payment, email me and we'll try and work something out.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Isn't it spelled "scald"?

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Rev. Randall Hildreth
Can today's present be exchanged at tomorrow's sale price?

Joel's Note: Always a great idea to put the last letter of a word at the start of a new line. That's never confusing.

"There is no exits in hell."

submitted and asst. reviewed by new-ish contributor Tara
There are no grammarian at this church.

"Flexible people don't get bent."
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Christine
Well then how do they know if they're flexible or not?

"Keep the Sabbath day. Jesus did."
submitted by frequent contributor Christine
Did He?

Note: Yes, He did. Just not in the way people at the time expected. Which was a lot like Jesus, really. This sign is just ammunition for people who (understandably) don't "get" that part of it.

There are a couple of recurring sub-themes here at CCS. One is advertisements for "Christian" businesses. The other is slogans on church buses. Christine sent this one in:

Thank you. Thank you very much.

BE HERE TOMORROW! A major announcement is coming from Crummy Church Signs, one that we here at CCS are very excited about. Seriously, we're so excited about it that we've begun referring to ourselves in the plural. Don't miss out!!

----------------------------------------------- doesn't get bent.

Keep 'em coming.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Y'mean I was supposed to stop?

submitted by new contributor Jayson Whelpley
There's nothing funny about abuse, so I'll refrain from a wisecrack here (other than the post title).

My biggest question is: What the &$%# is the point of this sign?

submitted by frequent contributor S. K. Sutton
Faster than a speeding analogy! Able to leap tall metaphors in a single bound!

"Missionaries are coming!"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Christine
One if by land, two if by sea.

"He who throws dirt always loses."
submitted by Christine. Reviewed by her 9-year old.
What if you're in a mud-slinging contest?

"Party in hell canceled due to fire."
submitted by frequent contributor Christine
You should see what it did to the ice sculptures we ordered.

Christine recently went on vacation and sent me a wad of signs from her family's trip. I'll continue through those next week, beginning on Monday.

Also, there's some enormous news here at CCS that I'll announce Tuesday. Make sure you stop by! I may have taken care of all of your Christmas shopping for you already.

Parties at are never canceled due to fire.

Keep 'em coming.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Because I found these great mothballs...

seen on Flickr. submitted by Ironic Catholic.
"...but I'm not "busy" enough to really enjoy it in here."

seen of Flickr. Submitted AND reviewed by Ironic Catholic.
Repeat after me...the Civil War is over.

In the last couple of days I've had a couple of interesting pastor names sent to me as well. Though there's nothing crummy about names, these pictures are pretty amusing and I thought I would pass them along.

First, from new contributor Paul Drake:

Paul named the above picture file "yes_he_does.jpg" Whee!!

And secondly, from frequent contributor Steve Sensenig:

Pastor Pickle picked a peck of pickled peppers....

My "boss" over at Central Snark, Neva, has been through a lot lately. Please keep her and her family in your prayers, if you're the praying sort. I am, and I will too.

--------------------------------------------------- is too busy to come out of the closet.

Keep 'em coming.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007 least they bless them first.

submitted by new contributor Rimarama

Thanks to Rimarama for the post title as well

submitted by frequent contributors Ryan and Nancy DeVries, Chennai, India
This sign is straight from the Bible. But context is so important.

Ryan thinks this sign is true because the sign they had up last week was so successful:
"A generous man will prosper" Proverbs 11:25.

"The years of your life shall increase"
submitted by frequent contributors Ryan and Nancy DeVries, Chennai, India
Phew...I was getting worried there for a minute.

"God Provides A Meal. Friday 6 PM"
submitted AND reviewed by new contributor Tara
This sign was up for a month or so, but as Tara says, "Alas, I must report, the sign was changed this past week, to which I can only conclude that either a.) God got tired of having to do all the dishes afterwards, or b.) No one fancied His cooking."

The years of's life shall increase.

Keep 'em coming.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

Do I Want To Go Church Here? Depends...

submitted by frequent contributor Jerry Webber
We will also wipe and powder your @$$, but we usually save that for the new members class.

submitted by new contributor Lauren Bingham
An "Impact", huh? This looks like a job for Bethany.

"If you don't climb the mountain, you can't enjoy the view."
submitted by frequent contributor Bruce Bezaire
Unless you happen to enjoy looking up at mountains.

And a big Happy Birthday to the previous contributor, my father, Bruce Bezaire! makes an "Impact" on society.

Keep 'em coming.

Friday, October 12, 2007

But is it low in carbs?

submitted by frequent contributor Micah Larsen
Swallowing someone else's pride is just loaded, however.

Thanks to Micah for the post title as well.

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Randall Hildreth
We've already had a memorable guest review of this sign: Who can forget my sister Emily's classic "A Hemi?" riff?
However, I did like the review that Rev. Hildreth sent in with this particular version:

"God has no Plan 'B'"
submitted by frequent contributor Marnie Plucienik
Sin in the Garden of Eden was God's plan all along.

"0 and 6 isn't that bad! Jesus' team of disciples had problems too!"
submitted and asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Megan Wetekamp. Seen in South Bend Indiana, before the Notre Dame football team defeated UCLA to move to 1-5 on the season (NOT 0-6)
Isn't there a verse in Proverbs about not counting your chickens or something??

"If we don't talk then you don't have a prayer.-God"

submitted by frequent contributor Amanda
And even then, it looks pretty bleak for you.

Ironic Catholic is hosting a series of "Interviews" with Christians bloggers regarding their view of the role of humor in Christianity. Today it's my turn!! Check out our interview and please leave comments. Thanks for the great questions, IC!

Be sure to look at the previous interview, too, and look for future interviews (including some with a frequent contributor or two here at CCS)

---------------------------------------------------- has no Plan "B"

Keep 'em coming.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Timely, no? (Timely? No.)

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Scott Gordon
"Our Father, who art in heaven....WAZZUP?!?!"

"There's peace and calm in the 23 Psalms."
submitted by Anna Gravier
Well I wish they'd give me a list of which 23 Psalms provide peace and calm and which of the other 127 Psalms provide conflict and panic, because I'd really like to avoid those last kind.

"The Saints win here every Sunday"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Rev. John Allen Bankson
Gives new meaning to the term "Fantasy Football"

"Once forgiven, don't reheat your sins for breakfast!"
submitted by frequent contributor Brett McNew
Just slice a banana and pour some milk on them, and they're good to go.

The war or words between Crummy Church Signs' Right-Hand Wookie Kalfu'ur and Mattress Police's Meme-Wraith Grundir continues unabated over at Central Snark this morning. Seriously, there's no sign of anyone bating at all.
Be sure to check out today's interview with the two blog assistants, moderated by Lampsha (doing a fine James Lipton impression).

Back with more crumminess tomorrow...

There's peace and calm in

(Whee! That one rhymed!)

Keep 'em coming.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Second Line: "Because The Spirit Gave Me A Shove"

submitted and asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Ryan Geer
Did this pastor attend seminary on Dagobah? Or did Yoda write this sign?

Kalfu'ur isn't impressed.

"The 'city' of happiness is found in the 'state' of mind."

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Emily Bezaire
Which is in the 'country' of fantasy, on the 'continent' of delusion, on the 'planet' of whim...

"There is no heavier load than a chip on the shoulder."

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Emily Bezaire
Come to think of it, I HAD noticed Tom Cruise was developing a hunchback.

"Trying times are times for trying harder."
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Emily Bezaire
If at first you don't redeem, try, try again.

"We use duct tape to fix everything. God used nails."

submitted by frequent contributor Emily Bezaire
I can think of one thing that would be best fixed by a large rock thrown directly through the center of it.

It's nice to know that in case I ever have a tragic accident, Crummy Church Signs will be left in good hands, and left in the family. Thanks, Emily! knows me, this I love.

Keep 'em coming.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Guest Guest Poster at The Snark

Well, I sacrificed my normal Tuesday Snark post in order that a special guest might make his debut post on the Inter-net.

I am pleased to introduce you to a new associate of mine: Kalfu'ur, Dauntless One.

Keep 'em coming. More crumminess tomorrow.

Monday, October 8, 2007

It must be football season....

submitted by new contributor Stephen Gray
If they don't like football at all, you may feel free to hate them.

(By the way, we have a pastor or two that frequent this site that will argue vehemently that the Cowboys are, in fact, "God's Team". I expect a comment from one of them in 3....2....1.....)

(Thanks to Stephen for the post title also)

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Duane Brown
Uhhh...let me restate that better...

"Science is never misquoted."
submitted by frequent contributor Joy Cook
...but we do our best to misunderstand it.

(What point are they trying to make with that sign?)

"God went through a lot of trouble to make you His child"
submitted by frequent contributor Jamie Dunbar
The labor lasted all night!

"Joy is a by-product of trusting in God."

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Lincoln J.
Watch your step...we've got a lot of this by-product laying around here, and we can't figure out how to dispose of it properly.

Joy is a by-product of trusting in

Keep 'em coming.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Journey's Playing Here?

submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown
Nothing to hide. Believe what we say.

(Post Title credit to Duane, also)

submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown
It infuriates us when people don't!!

submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown
When the rain starts to fall.

"God does not need a suggestion box."
submitted by frequent contributor Joy C.
Well nobody asked my opinion about that...

And, from my father, another one of those businesses that tries to market its Christianity for its financial gain. This one's a realtor, and my dad helped with the review as well...

The three most important things about eternity?
Location, location, location.


Hey I actually have a real job, too. And it turns out some people think I'm pretty good at it.

The 2007 Best of Nashville awards came out this week. Readers of the Nashville Scene write in votes on a number of categories. Check out this link, scroll down a little bit over the half-way point of the page, under the category "Best Teacher - Private."

It turns out that my sustained program of coercion, pressure and bribery worked on my seventh graders. Who knew?
--------------------------------------------------- does not need a suggestion box.

Keep 'em coming.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

You should see my co-pay.

SEEN HERE ON FLICKR. directed by Ironic Catholic.
I'm hoping one day I won't have to take Him anymore.

SEEN HERE ON FLICKR. Directed by Ironic Catholic.
...they stink even worse!

(But not as much as our signs...)

submitted by new contributor Casey Childress
I suppose He wants all my tartar sauce, too?!?

submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown
You should see what they said about cold sores last week.

"A pound of idleness weighs 20 ounces."
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch
But have you tried that new "Diet Idleness"?


A new feature on CCS: A little Crummy Church Sign Jukebox (see sidebar, about one-third of the way down the page). I've compiled a playlist of songs that in some small way or another reflect the vision behind CCS. They're all great songs, but I think it's more fun to listen to them with an eye (ear?) towards how they all relate to the CCS idea. So, next time you're perusing the archives or visiting the site, pick a song and enjoy some music while you do it!

Also, if you can think of a song that belongs on the playlist, please let me know! I'm open to suggestions...
------------------------------------ is my prozac.

Keep 'em coming.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Are You Ready For Some Chuuuuurch?!?

submitted by frequent contributor Scott Gordon
All God's rowdy friends are comin' over tonight!!

submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown long as you're not gay.

submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown
...but I'll preach it in Pig Latin just the same.

submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown
The pastor lost his internet privileges shortly after this sign was put up.

"Pain is God's gift for spiritual growth."
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Ryan D., Chennai, India
Can I regift?

“Long Standing Problem? Get down on your knees”
submitted by frequent contributor Jamie
Wasn't that on Pay-Per-View last night?

Check the sidebar: 100K visitors was achieved overnight! I put that counter up about 1 year into the run here at CCS, so it's about 2 years old.

It's OK that is strange.

Keep 'em coming.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Church at the Roxbury

submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown
Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more.

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Duane Brown
You'll have to be more specific. We have so many.

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Duane Brown I guess blue laws don't apply?

"Rest in peace. God is awake."
submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown
I think I'll wait a while before tackling that first part, thank you very much.

"Our pastor is on fire. Come and watch her burn."
submitted by new contributor Micah M., via Bethany
She's a witch??

(Or: she just looks like one.)

Ironic Catholic has said some nice things about me at her blog. Check it out!!

EDIT: Allen has said some nice things as well. Thanks, guys!!


Rest in peace. is awake.

Keep 'em coming.