Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Autograph? Don't they mean signature? There's a difference.

submitted by frequent contributor Miss Kitty, GA
Well...I guess we should be thankful for small blessings. God's autograph could look like this.


submitted by April B.
April said she tried to get her boyfriend to pose in front of the sign in his housecoat, sitting in a recliner, smoking a cigar, etc. Too bad he declined.

"Get a grip on money"
submitted by frequent contributor David Finch, DC
Get a grip...and then never let go. That's the Christian way!

Send 'em in here.


  1. JB,

    #1 How many gods are we talking about? (no apostrophes in sign)

    #3 I wouldn't mind a church sign that simply read "Get A Grip."

    Jason Kranzusch

  2. Do marquee sets not come with apostrophes?

    As I'm sure Miss Kitty would agree: Punctuation, punctuation, punctuation people!

  3. You should warn us about those links. The light seared my little darkness-lovin' eyes.

  4. Yep, I had a problem with the lack of apostrophes in the "Autograph" one. That was the first thing that made me pull over and photograph it. And there's something cheap about "autograph." Did God sign all of Creation while sitting at one of those long tables? Bleh, Thomas Kinky-ade.

    My home-away-from-home church would be full of good Southern cookin' and cats. Just sayin'.

  5. Miss Kitty,
    Are the cats doing the cookin'?
    I have a hard enough time with people who let cats on the kitchen counter....
