Thursday, October 5, 2006

"Church as fun as the movies"

submitted by Ian Adnams, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Just please don't spill popcorn onto the pews.

Now that I think about it, I can think of some churches I have been to that remind me a great deal of some movie titles like:
"The Temple of Doom"
"The Never-ending Story"
"12 Angry Men"
"The Usual Suspects"
"Apocalypse Now"

Heh heh...I could go on. But so could you. Use the comments section to reference other movie titles that a poor church experience (like a crummy sign!) might remind you of.....


  1. JB,

    "Free Will Hunting" - Presbyterian

    "Fight Club" - congregational meetings. lack of evangelism, daily discipleship - "The first rule of church is that you do not talk about church."

    "Twilight Zone: The Movie" - "Do you want to see something really scary?" (Dan Ackroyd)

    "The Apostle" - Some of that movie is dead-on, not caricature at all.

    "Blues Brothers" - "We're on a mission from God."

    "Dawn of the Dead" - churches inhabited only by the blue-haired and prunish (I know, MEAN).

    "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" - Some churches seem to attract Nurse Ratchetts and a few crazies.

    "Some Kind of Wonderful" - I had to end on a positive note, because that is what the majority of my church experience has been.

    Jason Kranzusch

  2. "Dawn of the dead".....hee hee!

  3. "The first rule of church..."

    Sooo good!
