Monday, November 26, 2007

"I sez 'It is finished', 'cuz I et me Spinach, I'm Jesus the Saviour Man!"

submitted and asst. reviewed by new contributor Julie Sesnovich
But I'm an adult and I still hate spinach.

And really...who "loves" spinach?

Tolerate? OK. Likes? Maybe. Loves?!? No way.

originally posted on Gavin's blog
I could go on and on and on about this sign...but Gavin already did it so very well, just go over there and read his thoughts on it.

"If you don't believe in Hell you should come hear our preacher."
submitted by frequent contributor Joy Cook
...AND you should see his wife.

submitted by new contributor Tammie Gitt
I'm pretty sure he'd give us no need to fear because, after all, he's here.

Seriously, though...who are they talking about?!?

"Relief comes in the morning when you've been on your knees in the night."
submitted by new contributor Erik The Intern
If it takes 'til morning, then somebody's not doing something correctly.

Seriously, folks...this might prove to be the most prolific week in CCS history, not in terms of volume but in terms of extreme crumminess. As bad as this collection was, I still have some doozies saved up.

Also, it looks like there was another church sign newspaper article that stumbled across my site. A number of incoming links from different newspapers, but they're all different incarnations of this article. I think this might be my favorite one so far...

If you don't believe in hell, you should go read

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Actually, I love spinach salad with apples and a raspberry vinagrette.

    Cake is better though.

  2. And the sermon continues: If Jesus is The Savior Man, who are you? Olive? or Bluto?

  3. I like spinach, but love it? I don't think so. So, you have a "popular blog" now, how come it took these people so long to figure out what all the HumorBlog groupies already knew? :)

  4. Contributions with pics are far better than contributions without them . . . I encourage you to consider requiring pics in the future . . . just a thought!

  5. Hmm... I love spinach now (go hot bacon dressing), but continue to hate going to church. What you going to do?

  6. I think it's obvious they mean "Uma".

  7. I think they just mean, "What Would U Do?"

  8. i like spinach.

    and i'm with beau. i think they're trying to say, "who the heck cares about what Jesus would do?"


  9. I got all four of the books today (I was in Michigan for the past week, with some keepers I found that I'll be submitting soonly). Seeing everything in paper without having to flip through all the archives is priceless!

    Thanks for the personalized note -- and yes, I will keep up the mission!

  10. I'm thinking that Joy Cook must live in the same town (or at least county) as I do. The signs she submitted in the recent posts are all ones that I saw here.

    Way to go, Joy!

    One of the churches that had some of these on their sign recently has torn their sign down. Not sure if I should get my hopes up, though, because they may be replacing it with a bigger, more obnoxious sign!!

  11. There are unbearably delightful/wonderfully terrible. I never have anything pithy to add, but seriously. I love this site. You rock, Joel!

  12. Thanks everyone. And I apologize to the Spinach-loving masses out there. But really....spinach?!?

  13. Perhaps if we substituted "girls" or "boys" (as appropriate) for "spinach" on the sign?

    And one of the best WWJD responses I ever saw was in the Tech Support department at an oil refinery. It read: "WWJD? JWRTFM!" (Have a computer geek translate if needed.)

  14. Popeye?(late I know but still you have to admit he's strong to the finich because of that stuff.)
