Thursday, November 29, 2007

Maybe He'd prefer a Cruise instead?

submitted by frequent contributor Jenny Sowers
I suppose it could be worse...they could have left out the "h" instead of the "t".

submitted by frequent contributor Jenny Sowers
"The Bible"...or some reasonable facsimile thereof. to take this one?

"Life: Your only chance. Eternity: Payback time."
submitted by frequent contributor Steve Sensenig
....starring Chuck Norris as God, with special appearances by Vin Diesel as St. Peter & Sly Stallone as the angel Gabriel.

"Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you're not willing to move your feet."
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Tara, OH
Next week, on a very special Dancing With The Stars...

"God blesses us all the time; why do we only thank Him some of the time?"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch
I don't know. Why do you only thank Him some of the time?

Fall into a good website: ""

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Some of the time I thank him
    Some of the time I hank him

    Its a hankless task really

  2. "Eternity: Payback time"

    Um, hello, old testament god.

    Payback's a bitch motherfuckers

  3. Seen this one? Saw it in another blog.

  4. I think you've got it under control. One thing I've learned: there are only so many jokes you can make about quotation marks.

  5. And the same thing certainly isn't true about church signs...


  6. fair enough. btw, I posted a few church signs recently. You are free to repost, but you probably have plenty of material (and thanks for the link, of course. I am egomaniacal about my technorati rank and every link helps).

  7. Here are your Hanks, O lord:

    Do with them what you may...
