Wednesday, June 28, 2006

"This may be no bowling alley, but it is a straight and narrow lane."

Mmmm....Lord's supper today was PBR and chili fries.
Good thing the road I was on was also straight, or I might have driven off the road after reading this. It also, I might add, had a picture of a bowling ball knocking over a couple of pins. I may have to go take a picture. Yep...I am. I will post it tomorrow.

I wonder if you have to rent shoes when you enter the sanctuary......

"Do you take after your father?"
submitted by Wes Kenney, OK. Sign from Paris, TX
Does everyone want to take after their father? No, I doubt it. What a stupid sign. Way to remind people of potentially terrible familial relationships and alienate them further from the church. And if they meant "Heavenly Father", perhaps a strategically placed capital letter would help (though, admittedly, not much).

I am guessing this one might get some disagreement from the readers. It doesn't seem that bad on the surface, I will admit it. Picture, however, a young person driving down the road, one whose father was an alcoholic and perhaps abused that person, or abused the mother. An all too unfortnately common scenario in today's culture. Then that person sees that sign. What are they gonna think about that church: Judgemental? Insensitive? Unwise? Irrelevant to their lives? Probably at least one of those, maybe worse.

I am sure their heart was in the right place, but that sign is Way Crummy.

"You too have a marquee - it is your life."
submitted by Wes Kenney from the same church as the previous sign.
And I hope to goodness that you do a better job with it than this church does with its signs.

Your turn.


  1. These truly ARE crummy. Whew. I'm amazed at this new crop.

  2. The message containing the "father" reference was in all capital letters, so no way to differentiate. My first thought when I saw it was, "Yeah, but I'm trying to rise above it..."
