Thursday, June 22, 2006

"Increase in Favor and Miracles"

submitted by Wes Kenney, OK. Sign from Mt. Pleasant, TX
It's time for 20 Questions with the author of this sign!

1. Do I get this increase just by driving past this sign?
2. How many times do I have to drive past?
3. Favor with whom?
4. Did you mean "flavor" instead?
5. Can I pick my flavor?
6. Sour Cream 'n Onion?
7. Prailines 'n Cream?
8. Not "Flavor"? Oh. My bad.
9. What category of miracles?
10. Like Water into Wine?
11. Or like the Blessed Virgin in my french toast?
12. 'Cause, quite honestly, I'm not really interested in that last type of miracle.

(SORRY, #12 wasn't a question).

12. How much of an "increase" can I hope for? Greater than 50%?
13. So I actually have to attend the church to get this increase?
14. Oh. Why doesn't it say so on your sign?

(SORRY, #14 wasn't a "yes" or "no" question.)

14. How many times do I need to attend?
15. These miracles and increases are GUARANTEED?
16. What about all those Christians in Africa who are suffering? Did God lie to them?
17. I'm just saying, if Christianity is all about increase and favor and miracles, what about Christians in other parts of the world (or other parts of history) who have suffered? Did God lie to them?
18. Would you like to change your sign now?
19. You were gonna ask me for money when I attended, weren't you?
20. Wouldn't it be a pretty cool miracle if we could change our flavor? Heh heh.

And, my answer upon the conclusion of 20 questions, is that this sign SUCKS.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Thank you, Joel, for deconstructing this crappy sign! I see it everywhere and want to throw rocks or rotten eggs at it. What do you think explains the POOPularity of this sign over the last two ro three years?

  2. Incorrect theology. Prosperity Christianity.

    Why preach a sacrificial religion when prosperity draws the most people and the most bucks?

    Ignore the beatitudes, folks. Move along, nothing to see here.

  3. That makes sense. Thanks for explaining.

    I was a bartender in an upscale "impress your date" Atlanta bar for several years, and one Friday night, I saw one of the more famous "prosperity Christianity" ministers walk through the door. His suit had to have cost upwards of $5K, and the valets got to park his Bentley in the most exclusive section of our lot. All I could think was, "THAT's where all those old ladies' Social Security checks are going every month?!?"

    It just makes me ill.

  4. Noxious prosperity gospel again. Bleh.

    This is such a stupid, stupid sign.
