Friday, June 23, 2006

"Out on the limb is where the fruit grows"

submitted by Cheryl and Emily Bezaire, Smyrna, TN
I suppose this is encouraging us to go "out on a limb" so we can "get the fruit".....but isn't that what Adam and Eve did?

More! More!


  1. Wait! I'm having a bad '80s flashback!

    "Out on the limb where we belong..."

  2. so, i have to go out on a limb to produce fruit? the christian says, "I didn't think fruit of the spirit was suposed to be so far away from me..." the passer-by says, "I can get fruit from Wal-Mart."

  3. I suppose the real question is, which fruit? I don't think papaya fruit grows out on limbs - nor watermelon, for that matter.

    In any case, perhaps we should leave the fruits alone. I'm not sure I want to go out on a limb for them...

  4. Well after the GA in Birmingham last week, they may be growing on more limbs than ever.

  5. I'm just meandering through the archives here, surprised to see the crummy sign on the building that houses a real estate agency on the main floor and some spritualist gathering place upstars. I don't know who put the sign up, but I'm not that surprised to see it here...
