Friday, June 2, 2006

"Jesus is the rock that doesn't roll."

submitted by Jennifer Bezaire, Smyrna, TN
Try telling that to these guys.

"You can trust the Bible. Come Sunday and find out how."
submitted by Jennifer Bezaire, Smyrna, TN you think they meant to put "how" at the end of that? Perhaps "why" is what they meant?

"The key to knowing Jesus is...relationship."
submitted by Nickie Albert, Mobile, AL
A key to a crummy church sign is....ellipses.
Also, can I get an article in front of relationship, please? A? The? Any?

Also, I have rather reluctantly joined the MySpace community, in case anyone is interested. Mostly, I will use it as a vehicle to subject the world to more of my old band's music. Go listen, download, make friends, play nice. If anyone wants to help me make it not look ridiculous, feel free to contact. Link:
I will keep it linked on the right also.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Why is it that nobody ever pays attention to the part of English class where the teacher shows them how to use ellipses effectively?

  2. I am sure that I don't know how to use them correctly. I just know that this sign uses them incorrectly.

    Nickie (submitted the sign) summed it up when she said they make the sign look cheesy. It's like a dramatic pause without the drama.

  3. I'm pretty sure you use them correctly, Joel. Ellipses are for showing where you've omitted words in a sentence, or for a very dramatic pause. The church sign in question, however, should've just used a colon, which would've been more effective and let readers know, "Oh, the sign's asking us to figure out which excuse we're going to use for not coming to this church on Sunday." So you're cool. And Nickie's comment about the cheesiness was right on.

    As for me...hah! I used ellipses again!'s "won't" for me and this church. :-)


    Apologies to all I offended. More careful word choices to follow.

  5. The Stryper picture is a killer! That alone was worth the price of admission.

    When you think about it, the Stryper picture is a metaphorical example of what is so bad about these church signs. Just another example of christians trying to adapt the church to the culture rather than seeking to influence the culture through the truth of God's word.

    Thanks for making the site so deep!

    Peeved in D.C.
