Thursday, June 29, 2006

I am thinking of an eighth......

submitted by Rev. Arnold Hendrix, Atmore AL

Heh. I am guessing either this guy or this guy put the letters on this sign.

Rev. Hendrix noted that both sides of the sign said exactly the same thing, and that his church would be glad to lend them a couple of "S"'s.

...these crummy church signs Joel hate.

Hit me.


  1. You gotta love a guy who knows his comic book characters!

  2. There's a lot to be said for subject-verb agreement.

  3. Even worse, this church never learns. You could have a whole sub-post just for Pleasent Hill Baptist Church.

    Peeved in D.C.

  4. Right before I read the post by Peeved in D.C., I was about to ask if we hadn't seen several crummy signs from this same church already?

    Joel, I know you are keeping up with the "Map of Crumminess." Are you also keeping count of how many times an individual church gets cited for a crummy sign? There could be some kind of award each year for the church with the most crummy signs.

  5. Hmmm...Yes this church that Rev. Hendrix sends pictures of probably wins for "Most Frequently Submitted Church"...

    However...there are a couple of churches from here in TN that dwarf the next highest church in terms of numbers. Just because I see them all the time and they never cease to be crummy.

    I have thought about a resource that people could use to mail to churches that get posted on here....a little different than an award....

  6. I have an idea, let's send them an e-mail with the following statement: "Warning! Your church is a repeat crummey-church-sign offender. If this situation is not rectified immediately, your state is in critical danger of making the Crummey Church Sign Map or, worse, changing your state's color on the map to red!"

    Peeved in D.C.

  7. I like the idea of letting repeat church-sign offenders know their signs are not just crummy, but repeatedly so.

    But then I think about the churches around here...and I realize they'd probably tell me my theology's flawed if I told them why their signs are so crummy. [sigh]

  8. No it wasn't the Hulk.

    It was that linebacker from the old XFL whose jersey read "HE HATE ME".
