Thursday, June 15, 2006

"Need men of integrity, not popularity"

Please tell me God is not so desperate that He is resorting to personal ads:
"TG seeks N/S N/D MOINP for LTR. "

Anyone caring to guess what the personal ad might stand for can do so in the comments section. I will post my answer later on.


  1. Hmmm. something seeks non smoking non drinking something for long term relationship.

  2. True God seeks Non Sexual Non Domiciled Mother Of Infant (No Paternity) for Lasting Theological Relationship

  3. Tigger's Goat seeks NonSentimental NonDiscriminatory Monkey of Impish Nun Proportion for Local Train Ride?

  4. Triune God seeks non-smoking non-drinking "men of integrity not popularity," for long term relationship.

    Or if He is so picky, maybe the "Temperamental God..."

  5. Heh...that's pretty close. You got the Triune part....

    I was going to let N/S be Non-Satanic and N/D be Non-Demonic, but the "traditional" form will probably work for fundamentalists fairly nicely......
