Monday, December 11, 2006

Another Newspaper Article

I am officially the "go-to" guy for church sign quotes, it would appear. This one from the Associated Press:

Click here to read the article.

To Mr. Seitz, the gentleman who is writing the book in whose promotional articles I keep appearing: Despite our somewhat differing views on church signs, I will purchase your volume and enjoy it, and encourage my somewhat large and rather growing readership to do the same. Best of success with your publication.

I have received a LOT of crummy new submissions to sift might take me a while.

Keep the signs coming here.


  1. Wow, Joel. You are the man! I wished they had given some examples of the kind of signs you're talking about though. That article doesn't really give a good idea of how horrible some of these signs are.


  2. Irony is sooo delicious.

    I spend the first 2 and a half decades of my life alternately trying to become famous by either
    a) playing baseball, or
    b) playing rock music

    ...and I turn out to be known for (drum roll, please) church sign reviews!

    Diesel, your recent post of God having a good sense of humor is ringing ever so true right about now.

  3. Hip-hip-HOORAY! Joel's church-signin' it up around here! Woo-hoo!

    God *so* does have a sense of humor, and an ironic one at that.

  4. Hey Joel, mind if I quote you in my new book about how snarky Christian bloggers are the new false prophets of this age?

  5. Anybody catch the last thing Seitz is quoted as saying about church sign messages? "...most are sophisticated and funny."

    Seems to me that if "most" church sign messages are sophisticated, I would have seen at least one example by now...

  6. Allen: You wouldn't be the first. Feel free.

    Wes: That last sentence of yours is word-for-word the email my wife sent me today.

  7. This last exchange has me chortling. I'm going to go out and look for that sophisticated sign. Probably need to pack a lunch.

  8. Miss Kitty said...I'm going to go out and look for that sophisticated sign. Probably need to pack a lunch.

    You probably need to pack a suitcase.

  9. Some of them really are quite sophisticated. For example, they have light sensors that tell them when to turn on at night.
