Tuesday, December 12, 2006

...and NOWHERE else!

submitted by frequent contributor Miss Kitty, GA
You mean this church has Playstation 3's?!?!?

submitted by frequent contributor Miss Kitty, GA
I thought this one was OK...until I realized they were trying to be clever with "presence"..."presents", get it?!?! (groan)
submitted by frequent contributor David Jacks, TX
I have reviewed this one before...but not when they used the wrong "alter".
Those homophones will kill you every time....
"My dad can fix anything - Jesus."
submitted by new contributor Amanda, GA
"Which is good, because My followers can break just about anything."
"Let's work to have crowns to lay at Jesus' feet."
submitted by new contributor Amanda, GA
Okay, if I'm a non-Christian, my first question is: Why the heck does Jesus want crowns for his feet? Second: Do I make them myself? Find them? Third: Why can't I keep them?
"Come early to get a good back seat."
submitted by Margo S.
Why? Is that where I can find the crowns these days?
"I'm making a list and checking it twice, too. -God."
submitted by new contributor Jason C., GA
Because God isn't capable of getting it right on the first check?
We need "The Grinch Who Stole Church Signs" in the worst way.
"Eternal Salvation: Deal or No Deal?"
submitted by new contributor Marnie P., MI
Forget St. Peter...if the suitcase models are at the Pearly Gates, I'm all in.
On second thought....if Howie Mandel is there, I'll take hell.
Thanks to all the new contributors.
Just a quick reminder on the "rules of submission". I received about 50 emails since the AP article ran nationwide. I simply don't have time to write everyone back and thank them for taking the time to send me a church sign: so, THANK YOU!! That being said, I received a TON of duplicate signs. I don't usually post those, so please don't feel bad if I didn't use yours. It's simply already somewhere in the archives. Also, some people send in signs I don't think are crummy. Sorry if that was the case also.
Welcome to all of the new readers...please don't let a submission that didn't get used keep you from sending in the next crummy sign you see.
All the best,


  1. Deal or No Deal?
    Hey, let's cut them a little slack. The pop culture reference appears less than a year after the show debuts! Only a few days less than a year, but still less than a year.

    And Joel, I think you meant to say "on second thought....if Howie Mandel is there, it is hell."

  2. "My dad can fix anything. -Jesus"

    Because, let's face it, Jesus just isn't that great with power tools.

    This trend has gotten out of hand. Who's responsible for this "Let's Put Words in God's Mouth" phase?

  3. He was, after all, a carpenter.

    Oh, not that dad?

  4. Those homophones will kill you every time....
    Isn't that a little homophonophobic of you? :-)
