Monday, December 4, 2006

"God owns you."

submitted AND reviewed by new contributor Susan H., NC
...but He's only leasing me.

"Eternity has two choices...original and extra crispy."
submitted AND reviewed by new contributor Myron B.
I was wondering if I could have the Col. Sanders original.

Such a loving sentiment...I'm just sure God chuckles at all the "extra crispy" folks in hell.

"Demons are real. Try not to be one."
submitted by new contributor Rayni R., CA
I try and try, but I keep sprouting horns and a tail. It's tough, this business of "not being a demon".

"Sometimes God punishes us by answering our prayers."
submitted by Margo S., MD
Yeah...that'll teach us to interrupt Him while He is trying to watch the game.

Note: He answers ALL of our prayers. Just because it's not the one we want to hear doesn't mean it isn't answered.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. "Try not to be one."
    Is this the flip-side of all that garbage about people who do nice stuff for you being angels?

    Next week: "Demons are real. Be like them: Believe and Tremble!"

  2. On the issue of God answering our prayers. Back in the good 'ol days, the Israelites begged and pleaded for God to give them a King. He did, they got what they wanted, but it didn't exactly work out the way they hoped. On a more modern note, evangelicals begged and pleaded for a Christian President, they got one. How did that work out?

  3. "Sometimes God punishes us by answering our prayers."

    And sometimes He uses church signs.

  4. So what's your take on Garth's song--sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers... Hmmm? I mean, the song went #1, so obviously, some prayers go unaswered :o)

  5. Who is this "Garth" of whom you speak? I am in Nashville, and sometimes these pop-culture phenomenons take a while to get down here to us....
