Thursday, December 20, 2007

I guess it's better than "Loving Off" people.

submitted AND reviewed by Julie Sesnovich
I don't want Isaiah "loving on" me unless he buys me dinner first.

submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown, VA
"Temptation bangs forever"?!?

Temptation is hard to ignore when reviewing this sign, that's for sure.

At any rate, temptation must get those same spam emails that I've been getting lately to be able to bang forever like that.

"God is. Any questions?"
submitted by frequent contributor Rachel H.
I can't help but wonder if these new translations of the Bible are leaving some things out...

"Experience the Magic!"
submitted by Jennifer Nelson, MN
Is this a church, a Broadway musical, or a Disney theme park?

Duane has sent in a bunch more signs that I'll get to tomorrow. There's some great stuff, so be sure to stay tuned.

---------------------------------------------------- is. Any questions?

Keep 'em coming.


  1. "Coz that's how we roll all up in this pew."

  2. Temptation sounds like my upstairs neighbors.

  3. You know the temptation bangs was probably put up there by a clueless 70 year old lady who knits and it tempted by swearing at a slipped stitch.

    For the record--experience the magic?!?!? And if you get here early, you can have a very special breakfast with Princess Esther and Goofy the Disciple?
