Thursday, December 6, 2007

I feel a Praise Chorus coming on...

submitted by new contributor Rebekah Hammett
Psalm 118: 24. "This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and not ^&%$ it up."


submitted by frequent contributor Brett McNew
Am I supposed to call that number to say my angry words? Are they just trying to prove that they can never be unsaid by recording our conversation?

"Give thanks always. Order Christmas cookies now!"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Tara, OH
I know I always feel more thankful after a Thin Mint.

"Happiness is knowing what happiness is."
submitted by new contributor Carolyn Bomgaars
I know: Let's just get a huge freaking inflatable Charlie Brown and stand it up next to our church sign.

Sorry for the no-show yesterday. On top of teaching 12 and 13 year olds and being a best selling author, I am also pursuing a Master's degree and I am facing some intense deadlines coming up here soon. The day off really helped, and I should be good to go from here on out.

Oh, and I totally love this: Check out what the 31st ranked blog by Atheists is. You got it! Yours truly! A blog written by a committed (albeit admittedly snarky) Christian who has no bones about admitting his Christianity and the fact that this blog exists to allow people to see a rare and different side of Christianity...that blog is a moderately high-ranked Atheist's blog.

Gosh, I love the internet.

In fact, these people have been bugging me to join their aggregated feed (a la the one). What do the CCS loyals say? Should I pursue that end as a way of subversively promoting the site (and, in a backhanded way, Christianity)?!? What say ye? (Please comment below, readers....)


Happiness is knowing what is

Keep 'em coming.


  1. What is angriness knowng?

  2. Woah woah woah. You're a a god-fearing man? That's it, Rickey is never returning here again.

  3. Mr. D: It's also knowing what happiness is.

    Rickey: God-Fearing? I'm scared to death of Him.

    (See? That's what I'm talking about).

  4. I'm a long-time reader (though first-time commenter). I've known since I first started reading that you were Christian and it doesn't bother me at all. I'd say go for it -- more readers is good for everyone involved :)

  5. I'm perplexed by the Lutheran Church's logo -- "impaled by grace?"

    On the other point, I'd be inclined to avoid an unequal yoke, especially since you're making inroads on your own terms.

  6. happiness is getting your blog to LINK to

    ah, but i digress. great post, my friend! a church that offers cookies is a church that can expect to see me sitting in the very front pew. digging into one of many boxes of cookies. hoarding the rest of my cookies. wondering if i can get MILK to go with my cookies. being asked to leave the church until i've finished eating my cookies, unless i'm willing to share with the rest of the congregation. walking out with cookies jammed into my purse, sitting on the curb, and realizing i may wind up in hell, but hey... at least i'll have cookies!

    what can i say? i like cookies. ; )

  7. I suggest this exercise.

    1. Pick a dozen good church signs. Better still, have someone else pick. And not tell you what they are.

    2. Post pictures of those signs somewhere on the Internet, without comment and without any links to CCS.

    3. See how many of them come back to you with sharp remarks. And how quickly.

    If the results come back as I predict, might help show why the atheists are so much in favor.

  8. I say join whoever asks you to join.

  9. I say you sign up to the atheist site just to keep them on their toes...if I had enough traffic to be courted by theists, I'd be tickled.

    As for "never returning here again", I really hope that's a joke.

    Remember, its for the funny.

    The Reasonable Ego

  10. OK, I'll be the angel's advocate.

    I say don't do it. I suspect too many are laughing for the wrong reasons and not really getting the jokes.

    It's one thing to have a public site and another to be an affiliate of something.

    Oh yeah, good post.

  11. I'd say go for it. Your site is addictive, and I bet you'll get some readers out of it. They'll be sucked in before the realize what your site is all about... and then it will be too late!

    Oh, and don't $#%#@ it up.

  12. I guess that the atheists assumed you were one of them based on the irrefutable, albeit unreasonable logic that all Christians are humorless boobs . . .

    a snarky old Episcopalian in Central New York state
